22 - He Was Crying

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For the past couple of days Nicholas has been hanging out with them quite frequently. Well, more like following Huey wherever he went but that didn't mean the blonde didn't appreciate the activities the three of them did. Kayson especially liked adding him into their friend group as the male knew how to cook, giving them baked goods every now and then.  

Huey grinned while smoothing out a large strip of paper with his palm, thinking about how merely a few hours ago Kayson had dared Nicholas to eat his lunch with the utensils used in the east kingdom Qinhai (it resembled chopsticks). Kayson's cackle seeing Nicholas failing miserably was as punchable as he remembered. It looks like some things have yet to be lost from the body swap.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Mathew scooched over his chair, gazing languidly at him.

Huey shook his head, "Nothing." He picked up a pencil and began mapping out the layout of the strip of paper. He was making a poster for the upcoming Winter Showcase alongside many other club members. The art club had been tasked with making decorations, banners, posters, and the like for all school festivals. He asked Mathew, "What are you doing?"

"I have to make the decorations, you?"

"Vincent assigned me and some others to brainstorm on poster designs," He tapped the table frustratingly. "But I'm stuck."

"Art block?" Huey nodded and Mathew 'ah'd in understanding. "Hmm, since it's a winter showcase, why not make a winter themed theatre? Or base something off of the play. It's just a draft anyways."

"But isn't that too basic?" He pursed his lips and massaged his chin in thought.

Each year, the Winter Showcase's hosts a series of annual plays directed by the first years assisted by second years. Throughout the festival, each day there will be a new play performed by two classes of first and second years. Each play is also different as the script is entirely made up by the first years resulting in a variety of genres throughout the years. It was made in this way to help aid students in hosting, leadership, directing, and the such for the future when they integrate into high society. For this year, his group's play was a murder mystery dubbed the Whimsical Wandere following two detective siblings who get involved in a grand scheme of crimes blah blah blah romance blah blah blah. Huey didn't recall much; he only briefly went over the script as his job was behind the scenes.

There were some minor roles he could've taken but with the invasion happening during that day he simply didn't have time. Still, he did feel a bit bad for the first years. What should've been a great first and exclusive memory could turn out horrible but it's not like he can alert the teachers now. He had no proof and would only draw hostile attention to him and his friends.

So the next best thing is to quickly conclude it with minimum casualties.

Looking down at the sheet of blank paper Huey lowered his pencil and began sketching something out.

—:・゚✧ —

Vincent eyed Huey down condescendingly. "Huey, this is already your third paper. It's just a draft, you don't need to put so much thought into it." He berated.

"I know I know, but I can't help it." He touched his third paper which he's pretty much also destroyed. It was wrinkled and thin from erasing too much filled with remnant pencil marks of discarded designs.

The other sighed and rubbed his forehead, unsure of what to do. "You could work together with others, it's not just you doing it."

"I doubt they'd want to work with me." He grumbled.

"And I doubt you'd want to make me mad for wasting any more materials."

Huey groaned, slumping onto the table. "Fine, but who'll be my partner?"

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