35 - Return to the Academy

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Amidst a thick, lush forest, two horse-drawn carriages travelled. Each cart was decorated with silver embellishment and engraved with fancy motifs. Sunlight trickled through the surrounding foliage and into the open window of the second carriage.

Huey leaned against the window, feeling the occasional breeze ruffle through his hair. The early chirps of birds, the clacking of hooves, and the carriage wheels were accompanied by the sound of pen on paper. Huey sketched made-up characters, vague designs from his memory, and random doodles of whatever came to mind. Yet, despite the spring scenery, the cool freshness of the early morning, and his multiple drawings, Huey was undeniably bored.

He snapped his notebook shut and slumped to the side. Reading on a carriage gave him migraines; he had art block, and unlike on earth, there was no technology to pass the time. Huey begrudgingly pushed himself back up and stared outside. The singing of birds was a tell-tale sign of wildlife––wildlife he couldn't even see amongst the trees. Sighing, he stuck his head out the window.

"How long until we arrive?"

"Approximately half an hour, young master." The coachman driving his carriage replied.

Well, he surmised that wasn't too bad and sat back down. Because of the Winter Showcase incident, outraged citizens targeted the academy and even the royal family. Riots occurred, reputation dropped, and any remotely authoritative person was swarmed by people the moment they stepped outside. One of the family members of the few unfortunately deceased even tried to murder an academy staff! In broad daylight!

Naturally, the academy "temporarily closed down" and dismissed the students. Now, three months later, Glory Academy officially reopens its doors. However, Huey doubted the number of returning students in outstanding accounts. After all, unless it were a second or third year, no loving parent would want to send their kids back to where they nearly died. Celine's family was one such loving parents, heavily against her returning. So what if she was a commoner who managed to get into the (previously) most prestigious school in Ecrelyn? Clearly, it's not that prestigious if an all-out demonic attack happened.

Huey wryly speculated the number of students left at the end of the year if the demonic attacks (likely) increase.

Half an hour later, bits of Glory Academy's buildings could be seen over the trees. The academy came into full view as the greenery gave way to an open road. Pristine white buildings reminiscent of palaces formed a beautiful example of Ecrelyn's architecture. The large gate surrounding the campus has been reinforced, and Huey pleasantly noted how the main building (the one that had a hole blasted in it) has been fully restored. Ruby eyes peer further up into the clear blue sky. It was as if a giant pearl thinly enshrouded the entire campus. An iridescent shine was faintly visible under the sunlight, softly refracting rainbow light.

It was a high-scale and powerful ward likely designed to act as a barrier, but Huey wouldn't put it past the academy for including offensive spells into the design. This kind of structured magic is nearly at the peak of defensive spells for mankind and costs much money, mana, and skill. With how much ground the ward covers, it likely took a dozen capable mages and at least two-thirds of their mana reserves. It just goes to show how the kingdom is determined to make sure something like the Winter Showcase never happens again.

Huey hopes it works longer than he thinks.

Eventually, the two carriages stopped in front of the academy entrance. There was a long queue of students, each presenting their student ID to security and a magical device before being allowed in. Once your identity has been proven, the students' belongings are then brought to the dorms by either valets or other attendants. Huey and his cousins quickly disembarked the carriages and got in line. Despite the fact they came early, the line still extended further down the road; Huey could only imagine what it'd be like past noon.

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