4-Our beloved Friend

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In Kzn.
The Queen,Gugu and Budi came back from The Zungu house to give their condolences
Queen:Yoh, i feel sorry for that woman yazi.This is too much.Raising a child and expecting a lot from her only for her to get killed.
Busi:Yoh Noma.Its a lot hey.
Gugu:I am going upstairs. I need to sleep[She left].
Busi:Gugu needs to see a shrink,Noma
Queen:Only if Babakhe agrees hey
Busi:Yoh Sbali is lowkey old fashioned neh?
Queen:Yes,he does not believe in these western things.I have to convince him first to do certain things.
[Busi laughed]
Busi:You lie.
Queen: I am telling you but i am used to him though.I mean he is my man, the love of my life and the father of my kids.
Busi:As i roll my eyes from jealousy.
Banzi:No need to be jealous,we still have a chance to have all of that.
Queen:Oh Banzi,i did not see you there.
Busi:Hello Banzi.Unjani?
Banzi:Ngiyaphila,nina ninjani?
Busi: Siya phila.
Queen:Are you looking for Bab'Zulu?
Banzi:Not really.I heard Busi is here so i came to check up on her.
Busi:Oh really?I did not know you care[She blushes].
Queen:Hayi,let me leave you guys.[She left the room]
Banzi:Unjani Busi.Are you really well?
Busi:Ng'zothini Zulu? I am taking it day by day.
Banzi:You know Nkosi never deserved you right?
[Busi kept quiet]
Banzi: Did you hear me Makhumalo?
Busi: I heard you Banzi, i just chose not to answer you.
Banzi: I never stopped loving you Busi. I was so sad when you chose him over me.
Busi: Banzi its not like you are perfect you know .
Banzi:But i would have tried making you happy.[Busi kept quiet again]
But i am not saying its late to try things.
Busi:Tell me you are joking Banzi.I just got divorced, its not even finalised yet.
Banzi:We have no time to waste Busi.We both know how we feel about eachother,unless yours changed.Do you still love me Makhumalo?
[Busi blushed]
Busi:You know the answer to that.
[Banzi's phone rang]
Banzi:Excuse me.Its a business call, i have to take it.
Busi:No problem
[Banzi answers]
Banzi:Mr Mokoena good evening...this is not over[mouthing the last words to Busi.She smiled]
[Busi was left alone with her thoughts.]
I wonder where i would have been in life if i did not choose Nkosi Over Banzi. As much as i loved Nkosi.Banzi loved me more than Nkosi.Here i am as broke as i am.Staying with my sister and her family, i cant even go back to my parent's house.The elders will make me go back to that unhappy life and force me to welcome Nkosi's second wife.Nkosi really did a number on me with that one.His family were welcoming in the first years of our marriage, as years went by they saw that I am not getting pregnant they started acting up. His mother was the worst,she started insulting me,telling me that I can't have kids and I did not deserve her son. Maybe I should start moving.

Back in JHB

Hope:Yoh Lorato,sorry i am late. I needed to withdraw some cash.
Lorato: Hello to you too. I just got here myself.I ordered juices already,i ordered some apple juice for you.Is it fine?
Hope:Oh yes,thank you sweety.How gave you been otherwise?Its been a while.
Lorato:Besides my parents divorcing. I am good yazi.
Hope:Hayibo Lorato what are you saying.Really?
Lorato:Yebo sisi,i am just worried about my younger siblings.
Hope:Are they coping?
Lorato:They are trying.Anyways enough about me,how are you?
Hope:I am good too.Though school has not been nice to me.[Lorato laughs]
Lorato:S'khala si ba ningi.[Hope laughs]
Hope:It is what it is hey.
Lorato: How is Buhlebendalo.Ke kgale ke moqetetse.
Hope:My friend wa gouwa yazi.She just lost a friend.
Lorato:Yoh serious?
Hope:Yes,its too much.Apparently the boyfriend is the suspect.
Lorato:Wait.Is it the girl she reported missing on facebook on wednesday?
Hope:Yes.She was found murdered.
Lorato:Yoh ngwananyana a montle yalo?
Hope: I know hey.
Lorato:She must be really going through a lot.[Lorato's boyfriend,Andile entered the restuarent and Lorato waved to show him where she was].
Andile:Sanibonani beautiful people.[He kissed Lorato's chick]
Hope:Oh hey Andile,its been a while.
Andile:Hawu cheesegirl unjani?
Hope:Please stop calling me that.Ngiyaphila wena unjani Andile ?
Andile:Ngiyaphila.Baby i am not staying, here are the keys.[he stood up to leave]
Andile:It was nice seeing you Hope.I have to go my brother is waiting for me.Oh Hope we are having a mini get together over the weekend with some of my friends .You should come with Rato.
Hope:I will think about it.Thanks for the invite though
Andile:Sure.Bye Mama [he kissed her on the lips and left]
Hope:Yoh sabaweli umjolo o strong kanje yazi.
Lorato:I am not even gonna comment on that[They both laughed.They sat there and catched up.]

That evening at Bokang's house.
Bokang: O re o tsamaya neng?(when are you leaving )
Bakang: O se o nteleka jwale ?(you are kicking me out now)
Bokang:Yes you have your own house. I want to sleep. I have a meeting with the russians tomorrow.
Bakang:When are you going back home ntate?
Bokang:Watseba ntate is against this thing of us going back there akere?(you know dad....right?)
Bakang:But he knows he cannot ignore this.
Bokang:Yes now please leave?
Bakang:Yoh i am leaving bo.
[He left.]

Gugu:Zamo,all i have is you know.
Zamo:And all i have is you.
Gugu:I am going to make some playlist for us to remember her by.
Zamo:Yes please. Dont forget to put Go easy by Adele but Lloyiso's cover.
Gugu:Remember how much she loved Lloyiso,she had a huge crush on him.
Zamo:You know she liked men who sing.
[They both laughed]
Gugu:Remember when we went to Something soweto's event in ethekwini
Zamo:Yoh please dont remind me.I was so embarassed.[she laughed]
Gugu:Yoh chomi yam was not loved by alcohol man.
Zamo:Thats why she was the mother of the grew.
Gugu:Eish neh. Now i wonder how will be able to look at Owami and not feel strange they looked alike.You almost cant tell them apart.
Zamo:Yoh Ngcela ungasho.That is worries me the most.
Gugu:My mother never got to spend more time with my twin before she passed but i sometimes i feel like my mom looks at me and wonder what Nosipho would have been like if she was here.I feel sorry for Olwethu's parents. Its gonna be hard for them.
Zamo: Eish chomie i'm sorry,life is unfair really.
Gugu:eish it is what is.Look i have to go, my Aunt needs my help with something.I am sure i will be done with the playlist tomorrow,wena just keep on suggesting songs.[she stoop up]
Zamo: Greet MaBusi for me hey[they both laughed].I will keep on sending Babes.
She hugged her and Gugu left .

IN Jhb.
Mazwi:Ntombi Ka Baba unjani uNdalo?
Hope:She is trying, she is just sad that she cant attend the funeral because she has the big test coming up on Monday and the funeral is on Sunday.
Mazwi:That must be sad.
Hope:It is Baba.eish baba let me leave you.Goodnight.
Mazwi:Bye my love.

In Hope's dream
Voice:my Queen, You are not who you think you are but do not worry all shall be revealed when the time is right. The prophecy shall happen.
Hope:who are you???what are you talking about
Voice:When the time is right all shall be revealed.Take care.
Hope:Hello?Hello?come back!!!

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