30-Hope is missing

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As soon as Hope faints,i call my dad to come and help me .
Dad:You did a good job mmtanami.Let me call Gedi and tell him we are on our way.
Me:Already baba?
Dad:Yes Zaza,we need to hurry.They will be able to trace her to you.
Me:And what will happen?
Dad:We will figure it out Zaza,nou lets focus on the thing we are facing now.

I've just knocked off and i tried texting Hope to tell her that i am on my way to fetch her but her last seen is in the Morning i called her but it was straight to voicemail.I think she is asleep, she just  wrote one of her main modules so i understand.I will go to her house and hoot for her there but first let me go change.I went to my house and changed into white pants and white hoodies,since we will come back late at night.I called her again and her phone still sent me straight to voicemail.I was beginning to worry but i managed to brush it off.
I got to her house and i was relieved when I saw her car in the driveway,that means she was home.As i was attempting to call her with no avail a car   got to the drive way and parked.It was a middle age lady,who looks nothing like Hope,she was a yellow bone as she got closer to the car i realised even her face features  are not of Hope's.I got out of the car befor she arrived .
Her:Hey,sorry how may i help you?
Me:Sorry mam,i was lokking for Hope,we were suppose to go out but she hasnt been answering my calls or returning my texts.I am worried about her.
Her:Dont you think maybe she changed her mind?
Me:I doubt,but i see her car is here.
Her:Wait here let me go check for in the house,maybe she is asleep.
Me:Okay mama Ngiyabonga.
[She left and disappeared into the house]

Me:Hope!Hope![I shouted her name as i ascended the stairs]
Me:Hope my girl someone is here for you[i said as i opened the door ]
There was no one on her ba6d so i went to check the bathroom and she was not there too.I called her and it sent me straight to voicemail.I began to panic and i called Mazwi just to check if she was with him.He answered on the third  ring.
Me:Is Hope with you?
Him:uhm no why?
Me:Oh my Word,i think Hope is been kidnapped.
Him:What?Zano i swear if anything happened to her...
Me:Mazwi please come over,threatening me is no going to help find her.
I hanged up and i was literally shaking.Tears were just coming out.I made my way to downstairs to tell the young man that Hope is missing.When i got there he was still outside the car. He lifted his head as soon as he heard footsteps. I attempted to utter a word but my voice failed me.
Him:Mama,yini? Is she in there
[I shook my head]
Him:What?What do you mean she is not in there ?
Me:I think she was kidnapped.
[His eye were big but i tell you they got even bigger]
Me:Her dad is coming over and we are going to look for her,want to help
Him:Let me go track her phone,i will get back to you.
Me:Ohkay that would really mean alot for us,Ngiyabonga ndondana.
[He got into his car and left me there with million questions]

I wake up all sweating from a very bad dream.I heard voices screaming for help,it seemed like it was uNosipho, i was in forest  and there was darkness in the other side of the forest and the darkness was moving to my side,i started running away from the darkness but i could still hear the voices screaming help.I wonder if it meant she was  already in danger.I decided to call Ndalo to hear from her.She answered on the second ring
Ndalo:Hey Stranger.
Me:Ndalo,how are you? I think she is in danger.
Ndalo:What? What makes you thinks so
Me:I can feel it,ngicela umfonele umcheck if uright.
Ndalo:Ohkay,let me call her.I will get back to you.
[She hanged up]
I went to the kitchen to drink some water and as always, i find my mothers in there.
Aunt:The exam really took a number on you huh?
[I was lost in my thoughts]
[I snapped out of it]
Ma:Are you ohkay mtanami?
Me:Yes yes yes...i need to go back upstairs.
Aunt:Ohkay my baby,You having dinner with us?
Me:I dont know,i will see if im hungry or not
Ma:No Gugu,you know your dad wont accept that.
Me:I will try coming keh mama.
[I walked to the stairs then to my room to wait for Ndalo's call].

After i got out of the call with Gugu,i called Hope's phone and it took my straight to voicemail.I checked  her last seen and it was earlier in the morning.I began to panick then i decided to call her mom,since i had her numbers.She answered on my second try.
Her:Hello?[her voice sounded weak].
Me:Hey Mrs B,i was actually looking for Hope,is she with you?
Her:...[ she started sobbing]
Her:They took her Ndalo,My child is missing.
Nothing prepared my for hearing those words.I started sobbing.
Me:What do you mean ma?
Her:I got here and she was not home,we tried calling her phone is not going through.We are at the police station now.Look i will call you back for any updates, i will call you.
[She hanged up before i could even answer back]
I cried for a while.What could possible happens to Hope huh?They took her away from me like they took away Olwethu?Why me?
I finally got the courage to call Gugu back.

Senzo has been tracking Hope's phone for the past hours and  no avail,its off.Who could possibly take her? Who took her away from me??
[I rubbed my head with frustration ]
Me:Senzo what do i pay you to do huh??
Do your job man saani i dont know how but make sure you find her.I swear if anything happened to her,i am going to skin you alive.
[He doesnt say anything because he knows better to keep his mouth shut].

[My phone rings and its my mother]
Me:Ma,how are you?
Ma:Hey boy im good watseba.Are you okay? You dont sound ohkay.
Me:Im not in a good space right now,can i call you later?
Her:Ohkay baby,i was gonna let you know how we went yesterday but i guess we will talk about it later, i love you.
Me:I love you too .
[She hangs up]
As much as i would like to know how the  hunt for my estranged brother went,i was too worried about Hope to even lend my mother ears.I cant believe i have a  big brother,that sound strange nje on its own.

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