-the Prodigal daughter

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I am in the forest again. I've been walking around for quiet sometime now and it seems like im alone.All of the sudden,the flowers started turning brown and slowly dying. I get to the waterfall and the water has stopped and the river is drying outn
Me:Whats happening?
The grass turn yellow and just like that everything in the forest was dead.
Voice: Ubonile ukuthi yini esanda kwenzeka mntanami?
Me: Gogo
Her: Ikusasa lakho lelo mtanami. Uma ungayisebenzisi inhloso yakho, yonke into oyithintayo izobola.( Thats your future my child.Everything you touch will die)
Me:What do you want from me Gogo, im young? I know nothing about anything and I've just met my biological parents,lokhu kuningi kakhulu.(there's alot going on)
Her:Mntanami, uNkulunkulu ngeke akunikeze izinkinga ongeke uzisingathe, yeka ukuba buthakathaka uqale ukwenza njengendlovukazi yakusasa.(God will never give you problems you cant handle.stop being weak and act like the real future queen)
Me: But i dont want to...
Her:My child, trust me you dont want to deny you destiny. Awusoze waphumelela empilweni uma ungabuyeli ukuvakasha kwelakubo uhole abantu bakini.(yo wont succeed i life if you dont go back home and lead your people )
[I wiped my tears]
Her: Futhi umnakekele lowo mfana, ungumyeni wakho.( take care of that boy,he's your husband)
Me:Who? Bokang?
Her:Hamba kahle ngane yami.Thatha isinqumo esifanele.( farewell child, make the right choices)

The event has been amazing, i am really enjoying myself with Pheko.Its past midnight and the festival is getting wilder and wilder. We've noticed couple of girls eyeing on us but we are just interested because pheko is not married and i am not in a mood to take anyone home.Theres a lady eorkkng in our direction,it looks like she's coming to us.
The Lady: Hey guys, you guys look lonely,need company?
Pheko: No thank you, we are about to leave anyways
Her: But the night is still young, how about me and friends join you guys.
Me:No we ate fin...
Then a lady interrupted me.The most beautiful lady my eyes has ever selen. She has brown braids and some natural look,She was so thick and curvious,the curves at the right places but you can tell she was younger,she had big eyes and a beauty spot on her right cheek.
Voice:Bathong Atile ntse re o batla,when did you get here?
Her:Oh,dont worry about me I'm fine.By the way im Ati and this is Atli .
Atli:I am Atlehang,why are you introducing me to strangers Ati maan lets go.
Ati:But we've just arrived and these gentlemen were about to ask us to chill with them.Isnt that right?
[Pheko scoffed]
Me:Sure no problem, i mean yes yes we need the the the company.
Lol all of the sudden im stuttering.
Atlehang:Mara Ati we have to go hle, ska lebala tlameha ke kgutlele Jozi hosane, and i still hace to drive to Maseru for my flight.
Ati: Ska Bora hle o bitse Fifi.
[atlehang just showed irritation and left]
Ati:So what are your names?
Pheko: I am Mosa and this is Bakang.l, my brother.
Ati:Nice to meet you guys.
[Atlehang came back with another lady, who seemed shy, we introduced ourselves]
Atli looked bored since Ati was talking to Pheko,well she was flirting with him and i think he's gone too,their friend was on her phone and she was just bored looking around. So i decided to go sit next to her and try have a conversation with her.
Me:You look bored?
Me: Oh sorry,to bother you
Her:No sorry im just stressed nje.
Me: why? You're leaving tomorrow?
Her: Yes i have to leave tomorrow, im going back to school
Me:Oh where do you study?
Me: Oh? So you stay in Joburg.Nice
Me:Yeah nice. What are you studying?
Her: Actural Science.
Me: mhm interesting.Which year?
Her: 3rd year.
Me:So you are 22?
Her: Yeah, You?
Me: Me what?
Her: What do you do,how old?
Me:Well i am a lawyer and im 25.
Her:Oh, Do you work around here?
Me: No i work in Jozi.I actually grew up there.
Me:You should give me your numbers so that we go out sometime
Her: im barely out in Jozi
Her: im studying a demanding course.
Me: Is that so or you just dont have friends?
Her: Both.
[I laugh]
Me: Am i getting those numbers?[ i gave her my phone, she was hesitant but she dialed them then gave me my phone back]
Me:Thank you.

I really hate my life right now. I cant believe i turned from being a mother and a wife to being just Zano, who stole a princess. I dont trust Hope's biological parents, especially the father.I am pretty sure they are going to have me killed. Ever since Hope came home ive been kicked out of the house and now That ratchet is playing happy family with my child and husband, life can be a bitch sometimes. Now i sm forced to go back home to my poor family in the village.Mazwi took everything from me, even the car.I am left with only my expensive clothes.I really widh i wasnt a housewife maybe i would have something to my name.
I get to my village after a long day of traveling with a bus.This place has never changed, still poor and undeveloped . Kids are still traveling a long distance to school and there is no electricity by the look of things.I cant believe im back here.I wonder how am i going to face my dad after i left disrespectfully. My dad didnt like Mazwi so i just took my things and left, i didn't just leave but i said some painful things to him, about how he is the reason why mom died.I really regret everything, i hope he forgives me or else I'm doomed .
I get to my father's home after walking for 45 minutes from the bus stop,it still looks the same, nothing has changed. After 22 years, my home hasnt changed. I get in and i see there's a woman sweeping outside. Who is this?

Her:Sawubona sis?[ she looks confused]
Me:Oh, is Bab' Ngwenya home?
Her:Yes, ubani obuzayo?
Me:His...[ i paused a bit]His daughter.
Me:Yes, and you are?
Her: Oh Zanokuhle , [She hugs me].indodakazi yomfowethu.
[I look confused]
Her:Yimina, u-anti wakho Zakhele.
Then it hit me that this is my father's little sister, the one who was close to my mother the most.I smiled and hugge dher back.
Me:Oh aunty Unjani?
Her: O mntanami,woza singene endlini, ubaba wakho uzojabula kakhulu uma ek'bona.

We got inside and thats when i really saw that thisnplace hasnt changed at all. We get to the small living room/kitchen i used to sleep in and then there was my dads bedroom. We got inside the rolm and the room was so dark though it was still around 6 in summer
Aunt: Bhuti Bhuti,Vuka. Vuka buti, ubuyile.
[ i looked over to the bed and i saw my dad laying there like he is just waiting to take out his last breath.]
Him:ubani loZakhele?[he coughs]
Her: Zanokuhle, bhuti indodakazi yakho.
Him: Wenzani lapha?Ingabe impilo yasedolobheni isiqedile ngaye?
Her: Bhuti, yiyeke.
[I looked down out of shame]
Him:Ulahlekelwe ilungelo lakho lokungibiza ngobaba ngemva kokungithuka,phuma emzini wami Zanokuhle[he coughs]
Me:Kodwa baba..
Aunt:Hayi Buti.Ngekw!
Him:Zanokuhle phuma!!![he coughs very disturbingly]
[I attempt to get out of the room and aunt stopped me]
Aunt: Bhut...
Him:Zakhele,uyakhohlwa yindlu yami lena?
Me:Its fine, ngizohamba
Me:ngizokwenza icebo.
[ I left]


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