28-My estranged son

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I looked at him one more time and i found myself tearing.
Me:You look exactly like your grandfather.
Him:Thank you.[ He said undoubtedly]
Me:When i was 16 years,i was sent here to visit my aunt,your mother.I was suppose to come here for 3 months.But my visit was extended. [I cleared my throat].One day i was cleaning my room,and my aunt's husband came in to ask for something,i gave him what he was looking for but it seems like he had other plans[ i sniffed].He raped me.
Him:What? Raped you,you mean my dad raped you?
[ i just nodded]
Him:It cant be!
Tsatsi: Please listen to her.
Me:I told my aunt when she got back and she didnt believe me instead she blamed me for seducing her husband, few days before the day i was suppose to go,i found out that,i found that i was pregnant.
[ i paused]
Me:They lied to my parents,saying i cant come due to some certain reasons.They forced me leave my child behind after i gave birth,i didnt want to but they didnt make it easy.His name is Mosawamodimo, i named him that but its clear that they named him Pheko.
[He got suprised with what i just said]
Me:You....you ...are my son Pheko.I am your birthmother.
[He stood up from where he was sitting]
Pheko:Sorry,you got the wrong house mrs Mokoena,those are my parents on the wall.

Me: I understand that this ,may be confusing but its true, I am your birthmother.

Pheko: Look here woman, you have the nerve to come here at my parents' house and accuse them of such.What made you think I am going to believe you?

Tsatsi: Son listen...

Pheko: Please leave.

Me: Pheko...

Him: Go Please [He shouted.Tsatsi stood up]

Tsatsi: Ha re tsamaye Moratuwa

[I stood up and looked at him for the last time and left]


Tomorrow I am gonna ask Hope to accompany me somewhere, my dad wants her tomorrow.I really don't know why I am doing this, I mean Hope is so kind and lovely but here I am sacrificing her for my dad's love. I am sacrificing my new friendship for my dad? I can be really disappointing.She is writing tomorrow so I will ask her to accompany me after she finished writing.Let me call her and ask her if she is keen.

she answeres on the second ring

Hope: Hey you

Me: Hey, how are you.

Her: Im good and you?

Me: im also good, are you busy tomorrow?

Her: Yes I am writing remember?

Me: No after your exam

Her: Oh, my boyfriend is taking me out.

Me: For lunch, are you meeting him immediately after your paper?

Her: No, late at 4h30

Me: Good, I need you to accompany me to my aunt's place.

Her: Where is you aunt's place.

Me: Thembisa.Would you please please come with me, I am fetching some of my things there and I need help packing them.

Her: Hayi,ohkay as long as you promise that we are not gonna take time.

Me: Thank you, I will fetch you at campus then.

Her: Sure, I will tell you when im done but its a 3hour paper.

Me: Thanks once again bye.

her:Sure, see you tomorrow.

[We hanged up]

Yes, my plan is coming along.


Our ride has been really quiet, I am really sad and mad at Tsatsi,i didn't want to do this to start with it.

Tsatsi: Baby im so...

Me: Please leave me alone Tsatsi, I Don't want to talk to right now.

Tsatsi: He will come around,dont worry.

Me:I told you,Tsatsi i told you i dont want to do this but you being you always wanting things to go your way,you just had to force things

Tsatsi:Im sorry bab...

Me:Hayi,save it Nxa!!!
[ i turned and looked at the window]

Tsatsi:I just wish you could have told me Tshoaro,i would have understood and maybe you would had a privilage to raise him.


Tsatsi:Mme wa Bk...

Me:Please Leave me alone Koena,you dont understand and you will never understand.

Tsatsi:Well make me understand Tshoaro, make me understand.

[I started sobbing]

Me:Koena,you are just talking because you dont understand.It was not easy as you are making it to be.I was 16 and a princess,what would have become of me.I didnt tell my parents about it because i thought they are going to disown me and also say i seduced my Aunt's husband. I didnt tell you this when we got married or even after that because i didnt want to go and disrupt Mosa's life.Yes you may think thats the lamiest reason but its true.When you are a mother,you never stop caring for your offspring, yes i was not given chance to spend time with him and have the connection but i still loved him at a far distance, i didnt go to bed without praying for him too Tsatsi.

[Wiped some of my tears on the face]

Me:I am sorry for not telling you cause i knew you were going to react the same way you just did,though in the early years of our marriage i thought you were gonna kick me out and divorce.

Him:What?No Baby,i wouldnt have done that.The same way i feel about you now us the same way i felt about you when we were 18.You know i worship the ground you walk on and my world revolves around you,nothing has change that.You know even some of the family members think you bewitched me.

[I laughed then blushed again]

Me:Thank you Koena,I dont know what i did to deserve you.

Him:I should be the one asking myself that question baby.I am sorry for making us go there,i really wanted things to go accordingly.

Me:Its fine whats done is done and plus it was suppose to happen sooner or later.

We talked about random things on the rest of the journey back to the palace.Yes i was mad but i do feel like some weight has been lifted of my shoulder,i guess i needed this.


My aunt and i have been trying to come up with the plan on how to do this.My aunt suggested that we just tell the parents and they will take it from there but deep down i want to meet her first before they do...
I was studying the whole day today.Zamo and i have a dinner date,its been a while  since we went out.So i am going to take my things and sleep at her place in Durban for tomorrow.I just finished packing my small bag and notes.I went and took a quick shower since im running late.After i was done showering,i lotioned my body and started light make up.For my hair i just let it loose because i wanted to be simple today.For the outfit,i went for a body hugging mini dress that had a slit that runs to the top of my thigh.I paired the look with some red bottom my mom bought for my as a gift and took a mini black bag to finish the look,I quickly left before my parents could even see the dress i was wearing,i will tell them i already left ,iwas running late.

I arrived at the restaurant we were meeting at and i find Zamo already
Me:Yoh chommie ngiyaxolisa im late.(sorry)
Her:If it were any day i would have been mad but because i miss too much,i am not mad.
[I smiled]
Me:Today is my lucky day i see.Have you ordered juices
Her:No darling i need some wine.
Me:Hayi, not me though,i need to be fresh for tomorrow.
We ordered and talked about everything thats under the sun.I even told her about uNosipho,she is just mad i didnt tell her sooner..

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