6-I think my sister is alive.

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Hey guys,i have decided to make some small changes on my writting style.Do not be suprised.
Thanks for reading
Its been 5 days since the funeral.I heard that Owami is not doing well,she has been admitted to a mental instutition.I thought she was making progress but hey we are dealing with grieve. One minute you are better, one minute you are ten steps backwards. As for me I'm trying to move on and focus on my studies and spend time with my family.

Busi:Knock knock,nana are you in there
Gugu:Yes,come in Aunty
Busi:Hey baby wami,unjani?
Gugu:Ngiyaphila,wena unjani mommy dearest.
Busi:I am good nana.Dont you have classes today?
Gugu:I only have a biology online class at 10 am.
Busi:When is it ending?
Gugu: 12 pm, its a two hours class.
Busi:Amazing, i was thinking maybe we should go shopping hey.Its been a while.
Gugu: Yeppy! I could use that.After Class neh?
Busi:Yes,i will give you an hour to get ready.
Gugu:Thats why i love you.
Busi:Hayi suka, let me leave you.Sharp
[She left]

Today I'm going to have a busy day at campus since I'm writing my semester tests and I have an assignment to finish up. I put on my Brown sweatpants and an oversized white T-shirt.I braided my hair on tuesday so i just did a messy bun and left.Honestly speaking second semester has been hell and these lecturers are not help by giving us more and more assignments every chance they get. I left the house around 9 a.m. to be early for my test since it starts at 10 a.m. I got to campus around 9:30 since there was no traffic. I went straight to the exam hall to wait for the test to start. The test took 3 hours so I finished around 1 p.m. then i had lunch and went to the library to finish up my assignment which is due Monday.
Sasa: Hey you.
Hope:Ohh hey, I knew I know you from somewhere else.
[Sasa laughs]
Sasa: Wow,how have you been?
Hope: I've been good how have you been?
Sasa:I am good, i wonder if you still remember my name.
Hope: of course I still remember your name it's Sa...[ Waiting for him to finish it]
[Sasa laughs]
Sasa: My word, Its Sakhile but they call me Sasa.
Hope:Yoh sorry, you guys were too many.I couldnt remember all of your names.
Sasa: I did not know you study here too?
Hope:Yep,I am a first year student.I am doing Accounting,you?
Sasa:i am Doing my third year in B.sc
Hope:Bachelor of science?
Sasa:Yes,look i have to go.I hope this was not the last time I see you.It was mice seeing you.
Hope: likewise,wwe ill definitely meet around campus.Bye
[He left]

Today I'm visiting my parents in the free state.Bakang is not coming with me because he has a court case today so he will come tomorrow. I am wearing a black Jean with a white T-shirt and some white Nike sneakers. I am flying, i will use my dad's car when i get there.Let me call Lesedi,she is my bloem chick,i see her everytime i go there.She answers on the second ring.
Lesedi:Hey stranger.
Bokang: Hey baby, i will be seeing you on Sunday.
Lesedi: So you're not gonna ask how I'm doing?
Bokang: Hey Lesedi,I hope you are well.I am seeing you on Sunday.
[He hangs up before she could answer].

I finished packing then requested a ride to the airport for my 2:30 p.m. flight.

Mamcane and I shopped the entire mall.We are having a mini lunch at spur, I was craving for spur buffalo wings and some onion rings.
Gugu:Yoh Mom is gonna be so jealous.
Busi:She is always busy yena.If she was not so busy hey.
Gugu:I got her this other cute prada handbag while you were in the bathroom.I think she is going to love it.
Busi: Oh really,that is soo nice of you. You are officially daughter of the year.
Gugu:She spoils me too so why not return it.Mamcane, there is something i want to tell you and i want it to stay between us. I haven't told anyone about it because it is very sensitive and i am not sure about it yet.So please promise not say a word to anyone.
Busi:Yini my baby, is everything alright?
Gugu: Mommy you are not promising anything.
Busi:I promise i wont tell anyone including you parents and Banzi.
Gugu: Ever since I was 16 I've had this weird feeling about uNosipho.I think she is out there, i think she is alive.
Busi:Yoh Gugu, what do you mean?
Gugu: I also don't know what I mean but i know I'm going to investigate into this.I am going to hire a private investigator to look more into this to look more into the nurses that was there when we were born to doctor,everyone. Honestly speaking I think she is out there somewhere.That's all I'm gonna say.
Busi: I really do not know what to say but I will help you if you need one and I will support you until you find your answers.
Gugu: I love you auntie, you are the best.Thank you for not judging me or asking many question.
Busi:I love you too nana,that is why i am here.Now finish up we must get going.

I got here around 3:30pm. One of my dad's guy fetched me from the aiport.I was so tired but i have to greet my parents.When i got home i found my mother in the kitchen.
Tsoalo:Molweni ha mang?(....in who's house)
Bokang:Yoh ma,Dumelang.
Tsoalo:Hello my punkie.[She went to hug him]
Bokang:Mama who is Punkie.
[Tsoalo laughs]
Tsoalo: You know you will always be my punkie right?
Bokang:Nahana a grown man like me.How are you?
Tsoalo: I am good, my husband is doing his job correctly.Which is to treat me like a queen i am.
[Bokang rolled his eyes and His mother laugh]
Tsoalo:You wont understand until you met you own Queen lala.
Bokang:Yeah yeah i hear you.
Tsoalo:Okae Bakang? (where is Bakang)
Bokang:Didnt he tell you that he will come tomorrow?
Tsoalo:Akere lona ha le nfounele, jwale ke tla tseba jwang o tla hosane(You guys do not call me,how am i supoose to know that he is coming tomorrow)
Bokang:Eish Ma,Sorry mommy dearest.Mama let me go take a nap,i am so tired my eyes are gonna shut themselves.
Tsoalo:Okay my baby.
[He left.]

I got home around 16:30.I helped my mom cook some pasta and creamy chickem breast for dinner.Its now 18:15 my dad just got home.
Mazwi:Hope ,did you see the money i sent on you fnb account??
Hope:No dad, what is it for?
Mazwi: Its for Mini's petrol for two months.
Hope:Thats why you are the father of the year.
Mazwi: it's like you have any other fathers
[Hope smiled]
Hope:Mom,do i have any cousins in Kzn?
Zano:Why do you ask?
Hope: It's just that there's this person that says that I look like someone she met last year at kzn then she asked if I had any siblings or cousins.
[Zano chocked on the juice she was drinking].
Hope:Mama are you okay?
Zano: and who is this girl do I know her?
Hope: Not really she's just a friend of a friend .
Zano: Ndalo's friend? Because she is the only friend that you have right?
Hope:No mama, not Ndalo
Zano:Why are you befriending people we do not know?
Hope:Mama but i asked if i had a cousin i do not know in Kzn and you havent answered my question.
Zano:Do not talk to me like that Hope, Uyandelela manje?
Hope:no mama but...
Zano:No buts Hope,i did not raise a disrepectful child.Nxa[She left them there and went upstairs]
Hope:Baba what was that all about?
Mazwi:You know how your mother gets when you start mentioning her family.
Hope:But why?
Mazwi:Hay mna angazi Hope.(I dont know)
Hope:Yoh remind me not to ask again,before i get killed.

This child is gonna be the death of me. What if my husband finds out? What if she finds out? yoh Hope Hope Hope.I cannot loose my family,they are all i have.

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