41-Between sisters, Between friends

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Its been the most hectic days of my life.Its been 4 days since Mr Zulu got here.He wants me to go with them back to Kwa Zulu.I honestly dont want to because ,firstly i dont know them well and i am not comfortable with leaving with them.Nompilo tries persuading me bit i just cant.As much as Zano is wrong in everything i just cant leave my life behind,my dad?school?I cant pack up and go.Today they are all going back to kzn and i am going to tell them I cant go with them.
I take a quick shower then i wear my denim shorts with a white oversize tshirt.I comb my afro then went downstairs where i find Rato setting up breakfast.
Me:Hey Lorato.
Her:Hey you look good.
Me:I dont feel good.
Me:Can we talk?
[She frowned with confusion]
Her:Sure...[she sits down]
Me:Look,Im sorry i was being a b*tch the past few weeks.You didnt deserve it.
Her:Its Ohkay nana.Im ohkay
Me:No its not ohkay.It was not your fault,i took the anger out on you and you didnt deserve it.Im so sorry.
Her:i dont wanna lie,i was so sad that you didnt want anything to do with me,after been friends for so long.But i forgive you,you were confused.Come and give me a hugg
[I smiled then we stood to hugg.Dad enters]
Him:Ncoah my baby girls made peace.
[I smiled and he came to hugg us both]
Me:Baba,May we have a chat.
Him:Are you ohkay?
Me:Yes and no.
Rato:Let me leave you guys to it
[She left]
Dad:Are you ohkay my baby??
Me:No im not.Baba there's alot going in my life now and i am so confused. I am expected to leave the family ive known all my life for a new one that just claimed me.I cant baba,i cant just up and leave with strangers.
Dad:Kodwa mntanami,they are not strangers.She gave birth to you,She is your mother.
Mom:I understand that but im not gonna up and leave my life here.I dont want to go.
Dad:I am not gonna force you to up and leave but talk to them,they will understand.
Me:Ohkay ,i hope do.
Dad:As long as you are happy my baby.
Me:I love you dad.
Him:I love you too baby.

I am still shocked by how fast things are happening . I've been checking with Hope everyday three times a day.Im giving her space to unwind.Everyday i fall with her all over again,something is telling me that this is my Mrs Mokoena.Her calmness,her innocence,Her huge smile and pretty face.Not forgeting her personality. She compliments me in every way. Let me check up on her while i prepare for a shower.
[i dial her numbers]
Her:Hey ntate Mokoena.
Me:Morning Mamokoena ,o robetse jwang(how did you sleep?)
Her:i slept good and yourself ?
Me:Me too,i miss you.
Her:I know,i miss you even more.
Me:So you haven't told The Zulus yet?
Her:No but i think they are coming this afternoon do i will just tell them.
Me:You sure about this?
Her:Yes baby,i want to stay here,my life is here.
Me:And im also here.
[She laughs]
Her:Waphapa.(you are forward)
[I laugh]
Her:When am i seeing you?
Me:Whenever you want to baby,when are you going back to school?
Her:Tomorrow .
Me:Oh ohkay.I love you i have to go shower.Talk later.
Her:I love you too bye.
[Both hang up]

My parents and i are finally leaving here today.I am definitely not a Johannesburg girl.The weather here doesnt agree with me.I just took a shower,I wore ny tenis skirt and a long sleeve body suit and vans.I just wanna be simple for the road,i take few mirror pictures then leave for breakfast. By the way we are renting out a penthouse in sandton.I get to the dinning room where everyone was and apparently my uncle arrived last night,for some business meeting today.
Me:Morning my people
[Everyone greets back]
Mom:My baby dont you want us to go shopping before we leave.
Mom:We are going with your sister.
Me:umtshelile?(did you tell her?)
Mom:sizomtshela uma sifika khona (we will tell her when we get there)
Me:What if she has plans with Bo..(quickly reprimanded myself)
Mom:Ngitshele,is Bokang her boyfriend?
Me:Hau ma,i dont know nothing.
Mom:No you are lying.
Aunt:Ha Noma ,leave the child alone.
[Everyone laughed]
Dad:Well i hope thats not true or else someone's mother will be childless.
Mom:Baba,do you think she's going to agree on going on with us?
Dad:She should phela,we've already missed years without her.We cant afford to loose more.
Mom:Wena Gugu how would you feel if you were in her positoon?
Me:Well,i really dont know how i would feel.Its hard to put myself in her dhoes right now
Aunt:I understand.
Uncle:So whats the family that brought her up?
Mom:Buthelezi but Mazwi the husband didn't know Nosipho was not his.He is also a victim of his wife's lies.
Uncle:Wait Mazwi Buthelezi ?
Mom:Yes.You know him?
Uncle:Yes he is one of our business partners [he looks at dad then he got confused]
Him:Business partner?
Uncle:yes, remember the company we bought shares in months back?
Uncle:Thats thee Mazwi Buthelezi.
Uncle:Yes,small world neh

Rato and i decided to go buy somethings that are finished at home,we went to the checkers hyper nearby.
Me:Wena Cookist,whats missing?
Her:Nah i wanted to do pasta but there are no ingredients i use when i make pasta,so we are here for that .
Me:Oh ohkay.How i wish i knew how to cook,lol.
Her:Im gonna teach you.
Me:Please do.
[Phone rings and its My twin sister]
Her:Hey ,where are you guys?
Me:At checkers but we are coming back soon.
Her:No i want to come to you,i need to discuss sometuing with you before tou come back.
Me:Oh ohkay, catch a ride,and say you are going to checkers.
[She hangs]
Me:That was Gugu.She said she is coming to us,im guessing her parents are at home.
Rato: Oh ohkay

Few minutes later...

Gugu:Hey Guys
[She hugged both of us]
Rato:Hey you.
Gugu:Are you done shopping?
Me:Yes,we've been waiting for you.
Gugu:Eish Hope.Dad wants you to come back with us today.
Gugu:Yes,and he seemed like he is determined. I want to know whata re your thoughts.
Me:No i jusy cant Gugu,i have my own life to live here,as much as this is not my biological home,its my home still.Im sorry but i cant ckme with you but i can visit,thats the least i could do for now.
[She went silent for a moment]
Gugu:I understand, i really do.So if they ask you tell them the very same thing you told me.I know dad can be really intermediating but if you are sure of your self,he went scare you.
[I nodded]
Gugu:So when are you going back to school?

We spent an hour chatting and getting an ice cream.

Meanwhile at the Buthelezi home...
Me,Landa,Banzi and Busi are waiting for the kids to come back,so that we get going,Mazwi left before we got here,i dont know where Zano is but Botle is here.
Me:So what do you do?
Her:Oh,i am an event planner and i run charity events for local orphanages and schools.
Me:Oh, thats amazing.I didnt know you are an event planner.
Her:Yes,in my spare time i also do catering,but i don't do it alot.
Me:So you are a businesswoman?Amazing.
Busi:Thats amazing,you've done well for yourself.
Me:So how many kids do you have?
Her:Two,Its Lorato and her little brother Neo.
Busi:Oh kanthi where is the brother?i thoughr it was only Rato.
Her:He is with his dad,my ex husband.
Both me and Busi:Ohhh
[Front door opened and it was Gugu,Hope and Rato]
Moments later...
Hope:Good afternoon.
Us:Siyaphila wena unjani?
Her:Nami ngiya phila.
[Hope and Gugu set down and Rato excused us]
Langa:Ndosakazi,silapha ngenxa yakho.Sikhona ukuzokulanda ukuze ubuye nathi
(We are here for you.We are here yo fetch you to come home with us)
[Hope just looked down,with no emotion at all]
Lang:My child,Lokhu kubaluleke kakhulu kithi,you have to understand that.We've been mourning for you for 20 years and manje ulapha,we just want to spend time with you.
[Still nothing from Hope]
Me:My child,please get where we are coming from.Your father and i need tou to come with us,there are alot of things that we need to do.I know Nqoba filled you in other things,our kingdom's future is in your hands.
Me:Yini but its true,as much as you want to stay here,you have responsibilities back at home.
Hope:But i dont want to go there,?i cant just up and leave,i have my life here
Me:So you dont want us,your parents?
Hope:I am not saying that,i am just saying,i have school here.
Me:There's also school in Kzn
Hope:I have to apply but now its late.
Me:Baby girl,With our connection you can get into that school.
Hope:Im sorry ,but i cant justt up and leave because suddenly i have a family from the place I've never hard of,and now they expect me to be queen.I cant even rule my life,how am i suppose to rule people!!!
Me:Dont talk to me like that young lady!!
Me:Bayede,talk to you child
[Hope faints]

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