15-Cha! sisi ungubani?

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Hope visited me on Tuesday and apologised about what happened.She told me everything and how Lorato is Upset with her right now.I do not how to feel about this.Linda and I have been texting each other ever since the chillas.She is really nice, I don't want to lie but I think she is hitting on me.,she is too friendly for my liking.I am not a lesbian,nor a bisexual so she is just wasting her time with me but I cant let her know since I don't know her true intentions.Tomorrow I am going to Kzn for Lwethu's resting place,I am really sad.I still cant believe she is not here.Let me get ready for the day,I am going shopping today.I took a long shower then took out my weave ,washed my 4c hair ,I decided to wear my white golf skirt and some tshirt with some pullover on top.I head downstairs and my mom already left.Vusi was also not home so I requested and uber.[phone rings]Its Linda.
Me:Hey you.
Her:Hey,how are you.
Me:Im good wena?
Her:Im also good,doing anything today?
Me:uhm,yes going shopping.
Her:Mind if I tag along?
Me:uhmmm,no I don't.
Her:Sure text the address I will fetch you.
Me:I already requested.
Her:Then cancel.Sharp
[She hangs up]
Wow,I cancelled the ride then texted her the address.She responded saying she will be here in an hour. I decided to relax and have a breakfast.45 minutes later she texted me telling me she is outside.I locked the house and left.

After the lunch with Lorato,she blocked me on the social media,I guess she cut me off.Just like that? She is dramatic but keh I will move on.I really am sad that my dad's infedelity is costing me my friendship.Today I am not going anywhere.Im too tired for anything.I am catching up with netfix today.[phone rings]
Id caller:Unknown
Who is it now?
Me:Ms Buthelezi's phone hello?
Caller:So its ms Buthelezi.i Hope your coffee was still hot enough for you to drink.
Who is this now.
Me:Sorry who is this?
Caller:[He chuckles] Its Bokang,the gentleman you that stole your hot coffeee.
Me:Oh,hey how did you get my numbers?
I Was now smiling.
Him:How about I take you out on a lunch then we will discuss that there.
Me:Oh wow.
Me:Yeah sure,why not.
Him:So should I come get you?
Me:No thanks,send the location and I will be there.
Him:Sure,be there by 13h30,bye .
I hanged up,yeppppppppppppppy .i got up and took a shower to prepare for my lunch.i cant believe I am about to risk my life.I don't even know this guy.

Today is the day I meet up with the guy who came and threatened me on Monday.I still don't know who he is working for but what I know is that I do not want to go to prison.I told him to give me 3 days to tell my husband everything,He is so angry with me .He hasn't spoken to me for days.I really hope he doesn't divorce me ,that is the history I am not proud of. I am meeting this guy at some restaurant at the mall. I am so nervous,I don't know what will become of me but its about time I become free.He is already here,okay.
ME: Afternoon
Him:Hello,you want something to drink?
Me:Yes please.
He calls the waiter then we ordered our drinks.
ME: Where do I start?
Him: From the top
Me:Uhm.After nursing collage I was told that I owe the collage a lot of money,I think it was close to R90k. I became so depress then I didn't know how I'm going to pay that back the money since I was not earning anything.I then volunteered to job shadow at the hospital,Thats when someone introduced me to that business.I saw it as an easy money so I did it.It started with one baby ,then it went on and on and on.
Him: I hear you ,so how many babies have you sold?
Me: I don't know, I lost count but I would say at least 30.
I looked down out of shame.
Him: So today I am here for one baby, The daughter of Queen Noma Zulu and king Langa Zulu.
Me;:You were sent by the royals?
Me:Then I cant help you, they are going to arrest me.
Him: I don't think you have any choice here mrs Martins.
Damn I'm fucked.
Him: Please tell me what happened that day.
Me:Ohkay.I don't remember most children I took but I remenber The royals,they were my last job there. My guilt was eating me up that's why I left Ethekwini.On the 20th of February 2000.Qeen Nomasonto gave birth to two beautiful girls.On the same labour ward there was a woman who had just lost her child at birth.She was so desperate because she and her husband have been trying for years with nothing and now that she finally gets pregnant she looses the baby.I was so sad for her so I did the unthinkable.Before Queen Noma could see her children I exchanged the dead baby with her child. I don't know how I pulled it off but I managed. I don't remember the name of the mother but if I see her face I will definitely remember her.
[Harris took out some files from his bag]
Him:So here are the files of every woman who was in that labour ward that day.
ME: How did you find them?
Him: That is besides the topic ,lets see what we have.
We went about four files including the queens then on the fifth one I saw the woman. Her name was Zanokuhle Buthelezi.
ME: Its her.I gave her the princess.
Him:Zanokuhle Buthelezi?
Me:So what's gonna happen now?
Him: I dont know but I have to report back to the one who hired me.Sit tight and hope they don't send you to prison.

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