43- A baby Zulu

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I wake up with the urge to throw up,i hurried to the toilet and threw up.I spend some time there and i am just feeling weak to stand up.I sit there for a few minutes then gather every strength me to stand up.As i was about to rinse my face with water,Banzi eneters.
Him:Thats it,we are going to the doctor  today.
[I just continue pouring my face with water]
Him:Im booking an appointment ohkay?
[He leaves me alone]
My goodness. I am definitely pregnant.
I finish showering and i go downstairs for breakfast and all i smell is rotten eggs.
Me:Why are you guys eating rotten eggs?
Gugu:Rotten eggs mamncane?
Banzi:Hayi,u ne nkinga zakhe this one dont mind her.
Me:Banzi,what are you saying about me.What do you mean i have my own problems?
Banzi:Sorry Makhumalo,i didnt...
Me:Mxm,please stop talking cause its clear you dont love me.
Noma:Hawuu Busi?
Me:You know what, let me just go sleep cause i see that i am not wanted on this table.
[I stood up,took some cut pineapples and left ]

Today,i am going on a boy's trip with Pheko,we are going to this event that is big here.I know he is old for these but he's keen.I wear my Black jeans,Black and white maxhosa shit and my white air forces,put on some shades and  leave my room.I get to the dinning area and my parents are there with Pheko.
Mom:Mhm my last born maan.
Me:Hau Ma.
Dad:Looking good son ,abuti wa hao has been telling me about your day today.
Me:Yeah,we want to bond more
Mom:I would really love that.
Dad:Anything from Bokang?
[I shake my head]
Mom:Chee,i no longer have a son called Bokang moo.
Pheko:Its love phela,mo tlohelleng.

We ate our breakfast while conversing about everything and Anything.

Banzi and i are prepared ourselves  to go to the doctor.I decided,no make up or a weave today.I wore my white vest and my long skit with sandles.I went downstairs where Banzi was waiting.

Banzi: you sure do take your time.
Me:Can we go now?
We drove to the doctor in silent.When we got there,it was already time for our appointment. We were led in to the doctors office.
Doctor:Mr and Mrs Zulu
Me:Its Ms Khumalo
Doctor:Please forgive.You may take a sit.
[Me and Banzi sit down]
Doctor:So,what can i help you with today?
Banzi:Eh doctor,my woman has been feeling really sick lately, vomitting around,mostly.
Me:I can speak for myself Zulu
Doctor:Is that all mam?
Me:Its the vomitting and always feeling tired.
Doctor:Ohkay,when was the.last time.you had your periods?
Me:last month,they are late this month.
Doctor:Ohkay,im gonna need you to pee in this.
Me:You think im pregnant?
Honestly,if i am.It makes sense.
Doctor:We need to check.
[I disappeared into the toilet in the office and pee inside the container he gave me]

MaBusi has been of lately and i dont know whats her problem.After they left ,my mom and i decided to go have tea time and shop flowers for Nosipho while we wait for visiting hours.
Ma: Yazi i forgot to thank you my baby for everything.
Me:Everything ma?
Ma:Yes baby,if it wasnt for you.We wouldnt have known that your sister is alive.
Me:There's no need to thank me ma. Its my duty remember?
[She kept quiet]
Me: Anyways which flowers are we getting for her.? Maybe we should ask MaZano.
[She gives a death stare and i just laugh it off]
Ma: We will get her Daisies.
Me: Boring!!, those are for sick people.She is not sick she just fainted 
Ma:So what are you suggesting  flowerist?
Me: Pink roses or lilies.
Ma: Yoh. Hayi okay Gugulethu lead me.
[ i laughed and she joined]

The drive to the hospital was short because we were near it.We bought the pink tupils with a vase for her.Mom decided to get us ( Nosipho and i) matching Steve madden hand bags .I can smell matching outfits from far. We get to the hospital and we meet Bokang on his way out.
Him: Dumelang.
Ma: Hey son, you are leaving?
Him:Yes, i wanted to come check up on her quickly, i have a meeting now at 12.
Ma: Ohkay mntanami,hamba kahle keh.
[He give me a side hug then he leaves]
Me: Yoh, yall are kiss assing him neh?
Ma: ufuna ukuthini Nompilo?( what are you trying to say)
Ma:Whats wrong with you? This is the second time today you make such remarks, i will slap the hell out of you  mtanami, ungangivivinyi.Nxa.

We've  just arrived at this festival and its going on.So we are here as regular guys, no titles cause they dont even know me here .Pheko and i have the VIP tickets but we are planning to spend  the rest of the day in the general area because thats where the fun is.We  get to the VIP area and we got our package since the tickets are a package deal then we settled down. There were so many DJs from Lesotho and SA and many artist from Lesotho,Sa and Botswana.I can tell this was going to be a good day for us.
Waitress: Are we still ohkay? You dont need anything?
Pheko: No thank you we are fine.
[She left]
Pheko: So tell me, any lucky woman?
Me: No, im just whoring  around.Why have one woman when you can have many ?
Pheko:You going to cry one day?
Me: Over a woman?Me? never.
[ Pheko laughs]
Me: How did you meet mrs Pheko? since you are always wearing your wedding ring, advertising your marriage.
[He laughs]
Pheko:So you saying i must remove my wedding ring?
Me: No , im just saying.
Pheko: Bona, ha ka ikemsitsa to do any funny businesses. Im over that stage
Me: Ohh? We are grown khana.
Pheko: Well, to answer your question, it was through a friend, so she is my friend's little sister's friend.We were at my Friend's place for a braai then yeah i saw the love of my life.
Me:You are in love neh?
Pheko: Haholo.

Its been hours since we've came from the hospital  and im sleeping.I cant believe im pregnant.Unmarried and pregnant wow,the elders will be so disappointed in me.On the other hand Banzi is so happy ,he cant even contain himself. Luckily its just us in the house.
Him:Baby, are you ohkay,do you need anything?
Me: No Banzi ngiryte,im fine even if i needed something i will go get it myself.Im not sick,im just pregnant.
Him: I dont want you to over work yourself. You are carry Zulu.
[I just roll my eyes]
He comes to hug me and kiss me .
Him: Im happy for us Busi, i dont know if you understand  what this means to me.
[He touches my belly]
Him: I am finally going to be a father.
[I smiled]
Him:And you Makhumalo, will be the mother of my child
[I blushed ]
Him:I love you so much, and i will forever be grateful for making me indoda madodeni.
Me:I love you too Zulu.
We spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling planning for our child's arrival.

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