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Three days had passed, a clear indication that my parents could not set me free

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Three days had passed, a clear indication that my parents could not set me free. I stayed locked in the room with no sign of freedom until Don returned with his men.

I found myself in the hands of the Italian Mafia. An unexpected twist in my life that I never imagined. The worst I ever thought was my parents separating, leaving me with one parent. But this revealed how dark life could become with a simple turn.  

They took me to the Lazza territory. A place surrounded by mystery. Normal people could not tell what businesses took place in it. 

They constructed the mansion in circular architecture. A grand 80s classic gate marked the main entry, leading to a lavish interior of the territory. Exquisite fountains, animal sculptures, and an evergreen plantation surrounded the area. It created an atmosphere filled with fresh air. 

Lazza, the mafia leader, walked ahead of us. I was between the two men who walked side by side. I couldn’t help but wonder what awaited me in such a dark, yet elegant, place.

As much as I trusted my parents to get me out, I still looked around to familiarize myself with the place. The hidden spirit within me longed to escape.

On arriving at the mansion’s main door, Lazza halted, and we did. His aura felt dark and unfriendly, and his stern look could get your knees succumbing. He turned to face me and I maintained a courageous look on me. Despite knowing for certain that I was innocent, his gaze still intimidated me. 

“Take her to my office.” He instructed his men and strode towards the east wing of the mansion. Even as he walked away, you’d feel his powerful presence. One could bow for his shadows. I watched as he disappeared, but a man suddenly grabbed me and led me in another opposite direction.

We entered the supposed office with white-painted walls adorned with several picture frames. The faces weren’t anywhere familiar. Absorbed in my surveying moment, I failed to notice that the two men had left me alone.

The office had an enormous office desk with a dark leather chair behind it. While a set of black sofas occupied a different side away from the table. Everything overwhelmed me, so I stood in the middle of the office, clutching my dress as I waited.

I ended up wearing the golden dress, which, surprisingly enough, suited me impeccably.

After a few minutes, the door clicked open, and I instinctively stepped away. I expected Lazza’s face, but a grinning persona walked in. Someone must have lied to him that his smile looked appealing. I couldn’t help but cringe as I stepped back again.

“Well, well, well. Look what we have here,” a joyful voice filled the office. He closed the door and made his way to me with his hands shoved in his sweatpants pockets.

The stranger stood taller than me but shorter than Lazza. He wore a black tee that did nothing to hide his masculinity. You’d tell he had a rapport with the gym if that wasn’t a thing with every man in this mafia affairs. His hair clung wet, suggesting he came from a shower. I disliked his big, perpetually smiling lips. The guy could swallow a whole fish.

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