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Rodion Konstantin / The Lazza

Rodion Konstantin / The Lazza

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A buzz in my phone caught my attention. It was a reminder of an event I was required to attend that night. Some businessmen in the country invited me to some occasional events. Some involved a good amount of money and in others, I could walk away with a wealthy property. 

Running a strong mafia team put me at a high demand. I had several human beings who paid a good amount of money for my protection. For some politicians who I happen to play dirty for them to win the elections, they kept me close because their lives and career lay in my hands. 

I concentrated back on my laptop doing some checks on my businesses. Money defined my line of duty, that was what everyone involved with the Lazza affair knew. Some of workers needed that reminder, because I hated to see the profit margins going down.

I took a sip of cold whiskey.

People worshiped Lazza for their game. You involve Lazza, you win battles. That's how I played. I loved it clean, and a simple mistake meant death. Seeing there were some assholes who grew extra balls to disrespect my business, it meant that they were ready for death. And I always offered what they deserved. 

The growth chart on my laptop screen fueled my demons. I slammed the laptop shut and then pushed the leather office chair backwards as I got up. I had spent an hour in my office going through the business. But the feeling in me did not allow me to settle, I needed to go hunting.

I grabbed a glass of whiskey and ambled to the window. The window gave the view of the great vineyard landscape. It was the largest yard in Italy. I owned several wine factories that produced the most popular and expensive wines. 

That was the clean business that Lazza operated, aside from owning several buildings here and there.

It was harvest season, which meant more laborers were to show up around my territory. Sofia and her team were to take care of that. 

I gulped the cold whiskey and just then, a knock from the door echoed into the room. I answered it and whoever knocked, walked in. I didn't spare them a glance.

"Boss, the girl is on the loose.” Matteo’s voice met me. 

"Which girl?" I asked as my gaze roamed around the view I had been looking at. 

"Alessia Romero. The Lazza enemy." He announced and that got me for a moment. I had forgotten we had a trouble girl in the territory. The idiot kept seeking the dark side of me, and she was probably going to earn it the hard way. 

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