06|a dark turn

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I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me that my life was in danger. I needed a plan. 

How well did I know Marco?

We met in my father's office, and a spark kindled between us. It could have been his captivating smile or the playful winks he sent my way. Strong feeling overwhelmed me from the moment I laid eyes on him. We connected, and that led us to dating.

While I knew he worked in his father's business, the specifics of his family business remained a mystery to me. As long as he worked, the rest did not concern me. The beach house he owned was another thing I knew about him. Playing a good girl blinded me in knowing if he had siblings or other vital details. I felt foolish for only knowing his name and the wealth of his family. Nothing more.

The apparent reason for getting kidnapped had to do with Marco. I could swear with my aching neck that Marco got not only me, but also my family in trouble. The wrath that Lazza showed towards me showed Marco was a great enemy. And anyone associated with him had to answer. Now, what answers could I give? Aside from that, I broke up with Luca to be with Marco. 

This misfortune had to do with Luca's curse. 

Romeo led me to the southern wing. The easy way to navigate the mansion was by identifying its various wings. He seemed to dominate the southern wing. I kept my eyes open, looking for any escape route, because I had to leave soon.

The mansion had workers moving about with their activities. The ladies had the same uniform; black skirts and white blouses, and the gents wore black suits. Their calculated movements gave a sense of obedience. Everyone seemed to know where they were going and what was required of them. It felt like a real-life jail.

I almost collided with Romeo, who came to a sudden halt. I stepped back. We arrived at a brown-painted door. He gripped the doorknob and pushed it open.

Something did not feel right as we stepped in. I could sense a sinister game in his fingertips, enticing me to jump into his world and submit my body. I had no intention of entertaining him.

Romeo noticed my hesitation to walk in and forcefully dragged me inside. Stumbling, I almost fell, but I regained my balance. The only way I could control my anger was by biting my lip, so I did. I wiped my messy hair from my face and then looked up, only to be greeted by a naked lady standing beside the bed. My eyes bulged, caught between avoiding staring and wondering why my gaze remained on her.

She hastily covered herself with her hands, looking shocked by our sudden appearance. "I did not know we were to be three." She said, and that got me rolling my eyes. Great, that was a polite way to say I was a slut as well.

"Leave!" Romeo declared in a bitter voice, grabbing my hand again and leading me towards the bed. "Get out! Now!" He barked at the lady.

That's when I wished the lady didn't go.

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