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"It's her turn!" 

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"It's her turn!" 

His declaration caught my body frozen. For a second I thought he was kidding until the lady began freeing my hands. It scared me because for him to untie me meant  I would hate what was to happen more than I hated being tied up.

My heart raced at the situation. I could feel myself trembling even before I got what I asked for. Tears blinded me to imagine myself sucking one of the dicks. Sickness emerged inside me and I turned to Lazza.

"You can't do this." I murmured but he had busied himself with a glass of whiskey. “Come on, you can't do this.” My voice grew. 

“Get her on stage, quickly!” He yelled at the lady who had been releasing my hands, once she freed me, she grabbed my hands and handcuffed me. 

“What are you doing? Hey—”

“Shut the fuck up!” Lazza launched on me, I could have jerked away but I was scared of what awaited me than his face. 

The girl freed my legs and gripped me, pulling me to get up. I fought, sitting back on the seat and kicking her off. I turned to Lazza, his eyes were shut and his jaws kept twitching. I sensed fury but he had to stop the madness. 

“I did not do anything wrong!” I yelled at him.  The lady grabbed me again but I elbowed her abdomen, pushing her off. “Leave me alone!” I screamed at her then turned to Lazza, he had pulled out his gun. 

He maintained his gaze on the lady, “Take her to the stage!” He silently gritted, you'd bow to his low yet intimidating voice. 

“No, I won't do that!” I shook my head, pushing the lady off again. 

“Sir, she cant—” She shut up when a gun fire emerged, the lady got shot and fell in front of me. Blood carpeted the floor, giving me nausea. I had been feeling sick, and the next I knew I would throw up. 

I remained quiet, every nerve died as well as my brain which couldn't process. Tears blinded me and I quickly blinked them off when a grip on my hand caught me. I gasped, snapping to reality. Another lady had come to take me. Everything happened in a haste. The music faded, I could only hear the gunfire ringing in my head. He killed a lady and it was my fault.

With my feeble legs, I obliged and followed the lady to the stage. The mood had turned dark and even the men had begun changing their desires. You'd see they wanted to leave, but they had to stay and obey. 

I wished the ground could open and swallow me.The reality was getting shady and heretical. Something that I didn't expect. One man held my hand, he probably begged me to just do it for the sake of their lives. And I knew I couldn't let anyone die again.

I fell on my knees in front of the guy. My eyes fell shut to avoid looking at his dick. Then a thought came to me, he only needed an apology, I could apologize and promise to never run. Maybe I could just stick to my original plan.

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