Part 103

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The sun is scorching hot, and the yellow sand fills the sky.

A team of officials is escorting this group of prisoners sentenced to exile to the West Desert.

The sound of shackles rang, and the prisoners in the several teams were all ragged and unkempt. They were divided into two teams of men and women. In addition to the female prisoners only wearing shackles and handcuffs, the male prisoners also wore wooden shackles.

The bad weather, the cumbersome shackles...

The footsteps of this group of prisoners became weaker and weaker, and some people in the team were really unable to walk and fell to the ground all of a sudden. Dizzy eyes, dry lips, where have they suffered this kind of pain before, and now they shouted that they would not go any more, and had to stop and rest.

A yamen directly stepped forward, waved the thick whip in his hand, and kept whipping the several male prisoners who fell to the ground.

"Crack! Slap!" The whip was merciless, with a blood mark.

"Ah! Stop fighting! Stop fighting!" Several prisoners shouted in pain as they rolled on the ground.

"Ah—" The female prisoners beside them were so frightened by the battle that they immediately huddled together, crying and screaming in a mess.

"Shut up everyone!" The yamen shouted angrily at the group of people.

The female prisoners covered their mouths tightly, their faces covered with dust and tears, and kept choking softly, but did not dare to cry again.

Immediately, the clerk turned his head, rolled up his sleeves, held a whip in his hand, and said to the prisoners:

"It's been a long walk, and then I'm tired! The road is still long, if you delay today's journey, you people's rations will be lost. Don't even think you're all hungry and won't die if you starve a few times! Today, I'm benevolent and you still have your life. I don't want to be content with gratitude. Now you going to die after a few steps. You think you're still the one you used to be. Brother noble! Open your eyes and take a good look at what you look like now, and recognize the facts clearly, no matter what you were in the past, you are now sinners who have made mistakes!"

Noticing the resentment in the eyes of this group of people, Liu Da didn't care. He had seen this kind of look a lot.

It was clearly stated from above that this group of people had to spend the rest of their lives in Xihuang.

The road ahead is still hard. If you still have unrealistic dreams and can't recognize your current situation, you will have to suffer in the future.

Another whip hit the ground.

Among these exiled prisoners, several members of the Xu family and several members of the Shen family are listed.

The two male prisoners who were whipped, one was from the third room of the Xu family, and the other was the young master of the Shen family.

In the past, the two of them dipped in the light of their own mansion and enjoyed the glory and wealth brought by Xu Chengting and Shen Shixing, and today they have to bear the bitter consequences of their failure.

In the past, people who would cry for their father and mother when they broke their skin, but at this time, no one dared to come forward even if the yamen were whipped down a few times and said with bloodstains.

It's not that I don't want to, but that I'm helpless.

As far as the current situation is concerned, they are overwhelmed.

The two male prisoners, Shen Shixing, who was limping on foot, and Xu Chengting, who looked angry, wore wooden shackles on their heads and shackles on their feet. Their hair was disheveled, and their eyes were full of sadness.

Seeing his family being beaten, Shen Shixing wanted to step forward to stop him, but his expression changed as soon as he moved. Then he looked down at his lame left leg, and turned his head sadly and helplessly.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Xu Chengting's mouth, and laughed at himself: How did he get to where he is today?

Thinking about the past, Xu Houye, who was calling forward and supporting, fell into the hands of a small yamen today.

He made the wrong bet and was on the wrong team.

Now one step is wrong, and the whole game is lost.

The false emperor is defeated.

Unexpected result.

He was unpopular in the first place. Those who followed him in the past chose to follow him for the sake of power and interests. Now that the general trend has passed, it is naturally a defected defect, a surrendered surrender.

The pseudo-emperor wanted to run away and start all over again, but the people below him no longer listened to him. Not only did his soldiers leave him, but even the people around him chose to betray him.

After applying for the fake, I don't want to continue my life with this useless man. 

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