The Fearless Leader and the Batboy

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"Giant Turtle. I died and went to Hell..." You thought as you pushed April backwards.

A 6, no 7? Yeah, 7 foot tall turtle was standing in front of you, he had sais pinned to his sides, a red bandana with eye holes tied around his head.

"Give me the camera." He spat in a low, and somewhat menacing voice.

"OOOOH! He's doing his Batman voice!" An orange-clad turtle from the back announced, slightly mocking the bigger turtle.

The red one, who you were nicknaming 'Batboy' was moving closer towards you and your sister.

"Ohhhhh, they're both so hot that I can feel my shell tightening!" The orange turtle proclaimed excitedly.

You had a nickname for this turtle now as well, it was 'Horny Boy.'

"Pervert." You mumbled just as 'batboy' angrily turned towards his brother and yelled, "WE CAN HEAR YOU!"

He turned back to you and your sister, both of you now standing up and backing closer to the edge, "If you don't give me the camera, I'm gonna-"

"ENOUGH!" The same leader like voice from before bellowed, another turtle leapt out of the shadows. He was slightly smaller than 'Batboy' but noticeably larger than 'Hornyboy.' And even though he was smaller, it didn't mean that he didn't have muscles, because HE HAD MUSCLES. This turtle was clad in blue, and it definitely represented the obvious difference between him and his red-clad brother, like fire and ice.

"Back off Raph!" The blue-one was now breathing heavily as he stood at the edge of the building. You tried to come up with a nickname for him, but you found it harder than it was with his brothers. "I only saw bat-man once!" 'Batboy,' (technically Raph now even though you liked 'batboy' better), grumbled as he walked away from you and your sister and towards 'Hornyboy.'

"I'm sorry ma'am, and uh- other... ma'am..." The Blue turtle said as he jumped off the ledge and towards you both. 'Aw, at least he's polite...' You thought as you nudged your sister behind you, 'Doesn't mean I'm letting my guard down though.' You stopped moving and stood protectively between your sister and the turtle, although you were shaking, you tried your best to remain calm.

The turtle kept moving until there was barely any space between you and him, "My colleague here forgot to say 'please.' So, would you PLEASE hand over the camera?" You gulped, his eyes seemed to be staring into your soul, they were actually very pretty...

Suddenly April jumped and backed into you, you turned around to see 'Hornyboy' putting his hands up in the air as defense, "No, no, no, no! Woah! Chill out, it's just a mask dudette! See, don't freak out? Right?"

'Hornyboy' removed his orange bandana, which somehow made him uglier. Your sister, who had already been hyperventilating, let out a loud gasp and collapsed.

"Oh God, APRIL!" You yelled as you grabbed her arms. Raph, 'Hornyboy' and 'Pretty Eyes,' (YES YOU WERE CALLING HIM THAT) stepped forward as if to help, along with a purple-clad turtle with lots of machinery attached to him. You tried to wave them off, but you were feeling weak yourself and you collapsed on the ground, although still remained consciousness.

'Pretty Eyes' looked at you in concern, but upon seeing that you were awake he turned back to the purple turtle, "Donnie, can you get her phone?"

The purple turtle, who was apparently Donnie, nodded as he grabbed Aprils phone from her pocket. You glare at the turtles, and slowly stand up, although a bit wobbly. "H-hey!" You stutter out.

Raph, 'Hornyboy,' and 'Pretty Eyes' turned towards you and you back up again, losing the shred of confidence you had just gained. "Put... put the phone back?" You try to command, however it comes out more as a question.

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