ADRENALINE/Thank you...

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"Yeah I've uh... I've thought about doing, not becoming a ninja..." Vern stutters, you look at the ground and shake your head with a laugh, "But I was doing a bunch of Yoga, for like, uh, 10 days at one point. And uh, I pulled a hamstring.."

Raph looked at you and you both laughed. You knew that ninja training was WAY worse than just pulling a hamstring and doing Yoga for 10 days.

April suddenly leaned forward and pointed at the tall wooden doors in front of you guys, you were using the back entrance unlike last time, "There's the gate right there."

"Oh yup- uh there it is..." Vern muttered as he started to slow down.

Raph glared at him as the van began to slow and he leaned forward again and grunted out, "Ram the gate."

"W-what? Ram the gate...? This is Channel 6 property!" Vern asked in shock, turning slightly to face Raph.

He turned around again as Raph yelled, "I said, 'RAM THE GATE!'"

"All right everybody, STRAP IN!" Vern yelled as he slammed the gas pedal all the way down to the floor.

You, April, and Vern all ducked as the Van slammed into the doors, breaking them and sending splinters flying.

"Fuck!" You yelled out as the van slid across the snow, Foot Soldiers coming into view as Vern rounded the corner.

"OH SHIT!" He yelled as he turned the steering wheel all the way to the left, he then straightened it out as they kept barreling towards the soldiers who now had their guns aimed at the van.

You threw your body onto the floor as gun shots ran through the air, shattering the glass windshield. Bullets clattered to the floor and you could hear Raph shouting, "Go, go, go, go!"

The van slammed into the soldiers, sending them flying out of the way, as the van crashed through another set of doors.

You flew forward and hit Verns seat, letting out a loud groan as he put the van in reverse, and the car drove back into the opening.

Another soldier suddenly jumped out from who-knows-where and started firing at the drivers window. Vern and April ducked down and placed their hands over their heads.

"Oh for Christs sake-!" You yelled as Raph growled and burst through the side of the fucking van, leaving a comic looking hole in its place.

"FUCK- FUCK, FUCK, FUCK...!" You yelled out as you grabbed Leos Katanas, leaving your own weapon, and jumped out of the van after Raph.

Raph kicked the soldier in his chest as he shot his gun rapid fire, the soldier was sent flying back letting out a loud groan.

You took another soldier out who had snuck up from behind the van, as Raph ripped the door off the drivers side of the vehicle. "FOLLOW ME!" He yelled at a scared looking Vern and April, who quickly climbed out of the broken van.

"The entrance to the lab is that way!" You yelled as you grabbed your Wakizashi from the back, sheathing it before running into the room the van had just broken into.

Hopefully you guys weren't too late...

•- Third Person POV -•

BEEP! BEEP! An alarm blared loudly and Leonardo slowly opened his eyes, his brothers doing the same. He felt so... weak.

"I'll take this canister with me to New York to withdrawn the mutagen," Sacks hurriedly instructed the scientists, "Make sure you drain ALL of their blood."

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