A Proper Thank You

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It had been a day since the battle on Sacks Tower, and You were doing much better than you ever had in your life. You were 10x happier, and you found yourself not quite as fearful anymore. You were finally moving on.

After going into more depth about the Foot Clan with April upon getting home that night, your sisterly bond had also grown. You might have also let a few words of praise slip about a certain blue-clad turtle, but most of them seemed to fly over Aprils head.

Speaking of the turtles, they had to answer to New York's rising questions about the Sacks Tower attack. They couldn't, However, exactly just go out and say that they had been the ones to stop Shredder, because of- you know. Their whole... "Situation." So Donnie had proposed a rather unpleasant plan of giving all the credit to Vern, which the city seemed to be taking well... Unlike you who groaned and grimaced whenever you heard someone mention his name.

Vern, or 'The Falcon' as he now called himself, liked it as well, he was getting all the attention. He didn't however, get the attention he wanted from April. You assumed he had been expecting a call, but upon not getting it he had called April today and asked her to meet him in an abandoned parking garage in Brooklyn.


"UGHHHHH-" You groaned as you rode your bike after April. You had been complaining for a long time now; all the way from getting dressed, to leaving the house, to grabbing dinner from a local diner, and now to riding your bike to where you were supposed to meet Vern.

"Oh stop your whining Y/N. We won't be there for long... I hope..." April scolded, whispering the last part under her breath. You laughed, having caught April, "So you don't like him either?"

"I-I- HEY! That's not fair! I didn't say that..." April grumbled, slowing down on her bike so she was riding next to you now, "I just- He can be a bit much... especially now with the whole 'Falcon' thing."

You groaned, "Please don't remind me about that."

April grinned as she sped up again, "I'm sure Vern will once we get there!"


After an all-too-quick bike ride, you and April finally arrived at the abandoned parking garage. It sure was abandoned too, or it at least looked the part. Bits of trash flew through the air, the concrete supports were cracking and had chips in the side of it, a musty smell seemed to linger in a specific spot and you sucked in your breath and pushed your bike away from there as fast as you could.

Although the place was smelly, there was a silver lining... The scenery was absolutely breath-taking.

Brights lights outlined the water of the Hudson River, and you could see distant buildings and cars zooming along streets in the distance, all of them looking miniature from this far away. The stars shone brightly tonight and you could see them clearly due to the fact that there were absolutely no clouds in the sky. The moonlight illuminated you and April as you moved closer to Vern, who was leaning on his new car, his casted arm rested snuggly against his chest.

"There she is, New York's secret weapon!" Vern called out as he saw April. His eyes narrowed a bit once he saw you were there and you scoffed loudly, "Nice to see you too, Fenwick."

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