MC Mikey

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You jumped down to ground level, and made your way over to the maintenance hatch.

Leo shoved the blade of one of his katanas into the side of the hatch, prying it open while letting out a series of low grunts.

POP! The cover flew off and Raph grabbed it before setting it down on the side.

You, April, and Vern all cautiously peered into the hole to see rushing water about 10 feet down. You gulped, that water didn't look deep, but it was clearly fast. Vern looked up at the turtles, "You aren't seriously thinking about going in there? Right?"

Raph and Mikey chuckled and Leo grinned at him. You groaned, of course they were going to go down THERE of all places.

"Hold on!" Raph shouted as he barreled into Vern and down into the hole. Donnie jumped in next as Mikey turned to April, "Alright Angel Cakes, just hold on tight!"

April went to nod but Mikey then picked her up and cradled her in his arms, jumping into the water with a loud SPLASH!

"God... I'm getting Dejá Vu..." You sighed as you looked down into the hole. Leo responded with a grin before he pulled you to his plastron with one quick move.

"Then I guess you know how this goes." Leo said as he adjusted his grip on your legs.

"Ye-AHHHHH!" You yelled as Leo jumped into the sewer, coating you with a splash of sewer water as Leo began sliding down the tube.

"Woah!" He announced as a jet of water caused him to stand on two legs, almost tripping before leveling out and falling back onto his shell with a grunt.

"Please keep your arms and legs inside the shell at all times!" Mikey instructed April as you all continued to surf down the pipes.

"Satellite imagery shows that Shredder has reached the top of Sacks tower!" Donnie called out from slightly below you.

"If that's where he's releasing the toxin from- UH-!" Leo exclaimed as he passed Donnie, almost bumping into the side of the pipe.

"It's gonna spread all over the city!" Donnie finished as you all approached a giant gap between one pipe and another. "LEO!" You yelled. He gripped you tighter, "Don't worry, I've got youUUU!"

"We need to-"
"Break leeeeft!"

You all screamed as you cleared the gap, landing on the other side and continuing your journey downwards.

"There's a vent right up ahead that leads to the parking garage under Sacks building!" Donnie yelled as you approached a brick wall.

"Got it!" Leo yelled as he jumped out of the water, landing on a small wedge on the side of the wall.

The other turtles joined you both on the ledge, and Raph kicked the metal vent with his foot before hopping in.

He was followed by Leo, then Mikey, and finally Donnie.

"Okay come on!" You yelled as you jumped in behind Mikey. You landed on the ground and rolled before standing up and brushing some loose damp hair out of your face.

"All right, listen up," Leo moved towards you, April, and Vern so his directions were clear, "We are going to go find the elevators that lead up to the roof. And you guys get out of here, get a safe distance."

"No, no, no, we can go find Sacks. Get our hands on the mutagen as a contingency plan... Uh- just in know..." April stuttered on the last part and breathed heavily, looking at Vern and you as Raph scoffed, "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

Leo then turned to you, "If we don't make it back, bring the mutagen to Splinter, it could save his life."

You locked eyes with Leo and firmly stated, "You're going to make it back."

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