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Your eyes seemed to wonder to Leo's muscular figure as you both caught up to the other turtles.

'The FUCK was that?! Did he CARESS MY FACE?! AND, DID HE COMPLIMENT MY SKIMPY TOP?! FUCK... It was kinda hot... WAIT- I shouldn't be thinking these things about a giant turtle! Let alone someone I just fucking met! GOSH!'

Your head was preoccupied with plenty of thoughts, but you snapped out of your trance as Leo yelled, "We gotta move, let's go!"

Your little group of 7 crowded behind a truck in the middle of the yard, snow crunching under your feet.

"Sacks is airborne!"
"Flight time to Manhattan is 19 minutes!"
"Get us out of here Donnie!"

Donnie flipped his goggles over his face, scanning for who knows what. Suddenly he stopped and made a face, "OH MY GOSH THEY HAVE GUNS!"

His voice was high and pitchy, you wanted to laugh but when gun shots started sounding throughout the yard you instead yelped, "GET DOWN!" Leo shouted at you, April, and Vern.

The turtles instantly moved to cover you, April, and Vern, bullets hitting their shells. 'SHIT! HOW ARE THEY NOT DEAD?!'

April sat on the ground with Vern next to her, both squatting with their heads placed protectively over their faces. You crouched down too, but were currently preoccupied with drawing your Wakizashi, you knew that you would need it.

The bullets stopped for a moment as the soldiers reloaded their guns, "Ha! Are you guys okay?" Leo asked his brothers, a cocky grin spreading across his face.

"We're bulletproof!"

The gunshots sounded again and Leo stared at Vern, "Can you drive that truck?"

"Yeah." Vern nodded as he stared back at the turtle. Leo grinned as he turned to face his brothers, "Okay, we're on Raph! Ready?"

His brothers all nodded as Raph started backing up towards a soldier, he turned around and grabbed his gun, ripping it from his hands as he kneed the soldier in the face.

He then screamed loudly and flexed his muscles, the bullets flying out of it and back at the soldiers.

You, April, and Vern ran towards the truck as you turned your head to see Leo kick three different soldiers in the chest, before turning around and punching another soldier away with a loud battle cry.

He caught your eye and smiled before motioning you towards the truck with a wave of his hand, you did as he wanted and climbed into the back while April and Vern hopped into the front.

After taking the soldiers out Leo leapt on top of the truck, rolling over the top of it before steadying himself and yelling at his brothers, "Everybody in the truck! We gotta go, go, go! MOVE!"

Leo then swung into the back, looking at you, "You good?"

"Mhm." You nodded just as the other brothers filed into the truck.

"Vern, you know how to drive this, right?" You heard your sister ask from the front of the truck.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." He hurriedly responded as he stuck his head under the steering wheel, "Just gotta Hotwire this thing I guess... classic red-wire to blue-wire situation...!"

April rolled her eyes, nobody had time for this.

She flipped the sun blocker down, keys falling down with it. "KEYS."

"Yeah, keys are better." Vern sheepishly said as he turned the keys and started the car.

"DRIVE!" Raph yelled.

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