Chapter 34

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I widen my eyes in surprise and shock!He apologized,he APOLOGIZED!!Okay he should apologize but kis mahan bande ne iss gadhe ko thodi si budhi di? SERIOUSLY!!!

Ok anyways!There is no way I'm gonna forgive him so I just continue ignoring him nd looking here and there with a bored expression

Vihaan:I.. apologize for treating u really horribly,nd to tell u so much that I never should have!I know it's hard for u to forgive me,but I hope u can forgive me ever In life!But except my apology,I can't give u anything!Im a man who's past still hunts him!Nd I don't think so I'll ever get over it.And I don't want...I don't want to keep u caged in this unhappy marriage,give me a few months,u will be free from this marriage,just a few months...(He said this before leaving as I stared at his back blankly as he left and the door shut with a thud)

What...what did he mean I will be free from this marriage?!And what past!God, everybody knows his past except MEEE!!!koi mujhe Batayega yeh ho Kya raha hai!!!!???My life is a complete mess!what past?What free from this marriage in few months!?What the fuck is happening!!!I don't even have any feelings at this point!

I dont know what going on in my life,I just want a break from EVERYTHING and EVERYONE!I didn't even realize when I was on my knees, crying on nothing in specific, probably my life!

But I still don't get what he meant by u will be free from this marriage in a few months,his words were ringing in my ears again and again.Did he mean divorce?

NO,NO,NO!!!!He...he can't divorce me!I mean if he wanted to divorce then he would have done it right away why wait for few months?But... according to law u can only divorce after 6 months maybe that's why??

No no!!Where will I go if he divorce me?No I mean papa wouldn't let me even step inside here ever again in that case!And..and what about papa's and dad's reputation???There would be so many rumors!!!And...And arushi would enter his life!

I dont know why,but all the other reasons of what will happen if he divorce me didn't hurt that much how much I feel hurt after thinking of arushi with vihaan!

Maybe it's cause I had kinda challenged her and I don't want to lose?Yeah,don't think too much it is that,there isn't any other reason yeah?Or there is?

GODDDDDDD!!!!!Stop!Stop overthinking swasti!!!!And moreover,y would he divorce u,he also has a reputation right?Nd infact u know it so well that he loves his reputation more than anything else in life,so ofc he won't divorce u and let people take opportunity nd spoil his all this year's reputation, respect and so much more!

And honestly,I don't mind divorcing him,but the fact that we aren't any normal person,nd even if I was a normal person I wouldn't divorce for my parents.And I don't know,but this idea of divorce is just making me want to cry,God knows why,I mean I feel like I'm forcing myself to say that I don't mind divorcing him,but actually I seriously don't mind divorcing him,then y am I feeling like I'm forcing myself to say this!?

Anyways, according to the reasons I have,they r 96% of chances that he ain't gonna divorce.But the question is,if he doesn't divorce me,then how will I be free from this marriage?

Vihaan's pov

I was chilling on the couch with my phone as swasti came,well I didn't bother looking so I was just messaging some clients and shit,I felt some movements for some time and then it stopped completely nd there was this weird silence in the room so I looked up to see what's going on.

I saw swasti holding some pictures as her eyes were damn red and tearful as if she was going to murder anyone who will come infront of her right now,I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion,

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