Chapter 40

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Swasti's pov

We have visited alot of places past 4 days and it has beeen soooo sooooo amaaaaziiiiingg!!!Me and vihaan have not fight so far,i mean a few friendly arguments here nd there and me taunting him a few times like once or twice in between but in good way,i mean u dont expect me to suddenly forget everything right?

So yh we have been suprisingly acting like buddies,like u know how besties r,we are acting like that,it just started randomly when i was bored in our room and decided to carry out a small prank on him;


i was chilling in the couch as vihaan was sleeping,and i was damn bored,for today we r leaving in around 2 hours so vihaan decided to take a 30 mins nap but im not sleepy so was just chilling,but with each passing second i was getting even more bored,then my eyes fell on vihaan and his peaceful sleep,and looking at him i got a mindblowing idea,idk from where,but guys!We don't talk about THAT!So smirking evilly i went
and took out my lipstick,and went towards vihaan,a mischievous smile still playing on my lips as i put the lipstick on him,careful not to wake him up,making his face look like a joker,at the end i smiled satisfied with what i had made of his face!

I quickly took my phone and made sure to lower its volume and then took soooooo mannyyyyyyy picturesss of hissss,while i giggled all the while!!

I honestly am not a person to carry out pranks infact i have never been like this not even in my college,i dont know what in me decided to bring this side of mine out,which i honestly never knew that even existed,and i have no idea where i even got the guts to pull this prank on HIMM!!

But whatever it is im having fun,and i cant wait to see his reaction!!!After taking his photos i sent it to everyyyyoneeee,and waited for him to wake up,which luckily he did as soon as i was done sending it to everyonee,especially ritika and ranbir bhaiya!

He slowly got up and yawned as he then looked at me,and i tried my best to not laugh out loud,and just somehow controlled my smile trying to hide it,he looked at me weirdly and doubtfully

Vihaan:Do u want to laugh??And if so then y??

Swasti:Uh...uhhmm(I said trying to not laugh and instead speak)Nothing!Its just a joke i saw!(I said trying to act as normal as possible still stopping myself from bursting out)

But i just couldn't stop a small giggle from coming out,cuz he looked so fucking hilarious especially after getting up,btw i was recording all this with my phone,i tried acting as normal as possible and acted as if i was engrossed in my phone,however his expressions told that he was still doubting but he shrugged and went to the washroom.

Here we go, 3...2....1............SWASTIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He screamed as i burst out loud!He came out fuming in anger,as i was too busy laughing

vihaan:WHAT THE HELL IS THIS????!! can't see....(i said trying to control my laughter) i said this i again burst into fits of laughter,my stomach was also hurting) wait!(He said coming closer as i saw him i got up quickly with quite a serious expression,key word:quite)

Swasti:Vihaan said taking steps behind,with my phone long ago put in a place to record his expression secretly,he didnt stop and he started increasing his speed so did i until we were both running around the room,he was behind me and i ran all over the room)

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