Chapter 47

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Swasti's pov

Betrayal...has anyone ever felt how that is? No worries, I'll explain either way god has decide to let me explore All negative emotions that exist in this world, hate, ignorance, annoyance, anger, fear, regret( cuz I couldn't meet papa for the last time), anxiety,  grief, disgust and now the feeling of BETRAYAL.

You know what is the worst part of Betrayal? That it never comes from ur enemies! It's always the person u trust, the person u love the most who betrays, and today having experience it, I would rather murder someone, but NEVER betray, this feeling is like the worst of all others, it is even worse than death, at least After death u have the sweet memories of the person u loved but betrayal is something that turns sweet memories into nightmares. Family is a place supposed to be our safe heaven, for me it's the place I found my deepest heartache.

Do u want to know the WORST of all? I was betrayed by the person whose death made me mentally unstable! The person whose absence is suffocating me is the same person who broke my trust! It's like the people for whom I would take a bullet, are the same people with the gun in the first place.

If I was betrayed by one single person I would still be able to recover due to the support of the other but how do I recover when my support system itself has destroyed, crushed and buried my trust, where do I go? How should I recover when the 3 people who were the reason why I have a life are the ones who crumbled my life?

This is how betrayal feels like; Imagine you have a person in ur life, who came upto u one day and told u they have committed a murder, u love that person so dearly that u help that person dismiss the dead body and protect that person from all cost, when the police finds out u take the blame on urself and u r prisoned for the rest of ur life, then you find out that the person u did all this for is the one telling the entire world that ur a murderer, even to those who u don't know basically the entire world.

When I put my ears to the door I heard ma's voice

Ma: Stop! R u mad? Is this the right time! If u dare to go tell her anything right now, u will see me dead!(she said whisper-shouting as I gasped in shock and got more curious to listen, who is ma talking about? And to whom is she talking to?)

Person; But she needs to know the truth! How long are you going to hide it from her??? It's been 23 years, and next month it will already turn into 24 years, do U understand, TWENTY four years!!! And today or tomorrow she will find out and wait a minute, look who is talking about "the right time"  YOU are the one who wants to talk about property, can u imagine, u called me to talk about property! On the day of ur fucking husband's tehrvi!! u really think so this was the right day?! Did u ever even love papa, cuz right now u look like the most vile woman i kno...( his voice was cut by a loud smack)

Ma; NOT.A.WORD.MORE! GET OUT!( she said emphasizing each word as her voice sounded super angry)

Hearing all this I dropped to the ground, I'm not dumb like those stupid Indian dramas who will not be able to figure out what the fuck was going on! The voice was of no one else but SACHIT BHAI!
Yes the person who was screaming inside at ma was no one but him! And the girl who they were talking about was no one but ME!
He.....he is.....he is the son of.....MAHARAJ ARUN!

He is the heir of Udaipur, he is the first biological child of no one but my own father!! And i had no idea about this from 24 years!

The reason why I'm not referring to Sachit bhai as my real brother now is because I don't even know if the person I call ma is my biological ma! If they can hide that papa also has a son than ofc yeh toh kuch bhi nahi hai. The one person I shared even the smallest detail of my life, kept this huge secret from me!

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