Chapter 52

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Vihaan's pov

Do you know one thing about mistakes?You don't repeat them, and you know one thing about eavesdropping? You don't get caught.

You don't get any points for guessing it right!

Yes, I eavesdropped on her and sachit's conversation. BUT only a part of it And it wasn't on purpose, personally, I would name it curiousity. I hope this curiousity doesn't kill the cat but rather helps it.

A small flashback to last night-

Around 15 minutes after swasti left, her phone buzzed as it broke the silence, and by now we're all well aware of "my wife's" habit to forget her phone wherever she goes, I picked up her phone as her phone screen flashed "PA-ISHAAN" and my fingers gripped the phone harder,my inner soul wanted to delete this number from her contacts, but my brain told me better. Taking in a sharp breath I kept back the phone, for it to ring continuously once again, this time I took the phone and headed towards the terrace.

Did I know swasti was in the terrace?

The answer is very simple- NO. From my knowledge so far, she could have been in the library, in the garden, might as well have been in her office, but as dramatic and illogical this may sound, my soul led me towards the terrace. Without my command, my legs walked themselves to the terrace.

The phone kept ringing, as I saw swasti and sachit talking very seriously about something, on walking abit closer I heard their conversation-

Swasti-but before we reach that my only demand was respect nd loyalty, nd both extremely nd equally necessary, vihaan did stay loyal, but there wasn't even a thin thread of respect in our relationship, u know even after I did find out about Vihaan's past, I was STILL ready to give him a chance, I put my remaining SELF-RESPECT aside, ready to still forget the past nd give him a second chance!!! That is the-

The silence that followed was a relentless assault, a cascade of unseen blades piercing my heart with each passing moment.

I stood there, paralyzed, as if an invisible force had stripped away the armor around my soul. In that moment, a lone sentence echoed through the chambers of my brain:

"I put my remaining self-respect aside, ready to still forget the past and give him a SECOND CHANCE."

It resonated with the weight of a thousand regrets, each word carving a deeper wound, leaving me raw and exposed to the harsh reality of my own failings.

I have always known I fucked up, but this bad? I just don't have words to express how stupid, dumb and idiotic I am! How could I wake the merciless beast inside me for such a selfless woman! I'm a whole damn competition to donkeys as to who can be more dumb!


I just want to die!!

In that very moment, my trembling hand clasped the phone, and it buzzed to life once again. The screen flashed, a cruel reminder of Ishaan's presence, while a notification unveiled his urgent message, urging her to call by tomorrow afternoon.

This abrupt interruption shattered the cocoon of my trance, forcing me to confront the reality around me. As the world blurred, I fixated on Swasti's expressions, each nuance etched with emotions that mirrored the wounded soul within my own fractured heart.

Swasti: " I would have healed his scars with the utmost care, I would have joined the pieces of his heart together with the ties of my! I would have shared my heart to soothe his pain"

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