Chapter 43

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Swasti's pov

Today was the day we r going to get divorced! And I have completely accepted it by now. This 2 months I gave myself alot of lifeskills lessons and today was the time to apply it in practical life.

The first month I cried over everything, i let myself bring out every single thing i have kept inside me, not only about this relationship but everything throughout the 23 years of my life, I cursed myself, I cursed the world giving sympathy to no one no matter who the person is, I just vented out everything that one month.

The second month, I tried getting over everything, telling myself to accept the fact and think about the future, think about all that is still there for me, telling myself to move on and accept what is written for me, not everything can afterall be a fairytale.

And maybe I was wrong to think that our relationship could have worked or to even think that vihaan would bother to even think about me, the song that's actually running in my head since a past few days is cinderalla's dead its literally so relatable!

I changed the lyrics abit tho, like instead of 19, I was 23 and instead of white dress, red dress. Or else everything is literally the same, I wont disagree that I did act rude with him from the time we got married but he was worse and he is the one who even started it ok! And the point is not being rude, the point is to compromise, from the time I was small I had decide never to compromise in my life atleast not if I'm independent, but here I was, I compromised so much with something i never imagined I would compromise with out of everything in this self respect!

Growing up, I understood in every relationship, leave only husband-wife, take any relationship, u need to compromise atleast abit, but self-respect, independence and freedom should never come anywhere near compromise, its not only for women, it's for everyone, it's neutral( for all genders!!)

I sacrificed my self-respect without having realize it, my mind unknowingly revolved so much into trying to mend the never-built relationship to not hurt others, ignoring how much it was hurting ME!

Mom told me that I should support vihaan, and even when I complained that y aren't ppl telling vihaan anything, I still gave into their wish and tried, I tried throughout this marriage, all those horrible things he told me, I don't know whether he would have actually raped me or not, knowing him now I don't think so he would have but thinking back about his personality back then I feel that he could have done anything! Even if it meant murdering me!

I should have gone and actually fight that time not caring for once about how hurt mom-dad would be. Or when he decided to call me so much shit that hurt my self-respect! I should have taken a step at the beginning instead of taking this so far, maybe the same thing would have been done long time back with not much complexity.

At this point all I was telling myself was that I gave him many chances, I really really really did, I gave him a chance all those times when he called me the worst things I would've ever heard in my life without knowing my identity, not telling anyone, I gave him a chance that time when I agreed to become his friend, I gave him a chance all those times when i kept on dropping hints. I have done my karma, and that is what I'm proud of, because once this divorce is done and someone blames me when they don't know shit, atleast I can comfort myself and tell myself I had given my hundred percent, whether anyone believes or not, the person who is supposed to beleive is my own self, and if I'm successful in that, then I don't need to care about anyone else.

Yes I was nervous as to what I'd be telling my parents knowing they won't be happy at all to know their daughter is coming back to their house in not exactly even a complete one year,but my only hope is papa...if I'm able to express myself to papa and papa supports me like he always has, I won't care about any other opinion about my relatives or the tabloids or anyone!

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