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Alice quickly grabbed Henry as she was looking at the lost boys.
"You better leave us o-" Alice was cut off.
"Or what Alice? What can you do? Do you even think you can hurt me?" Pan said while smirking.
Pan soon came closer to Alice and began to play with her blonde curls.
"Who knows? Anything is impassible." Alice said with a straight face.
Pan pulls up an eyebrow
Then as expected, Alice threw a fist at Pan but he caught it.
"Is that all you got? I thought I taught you better." Pan said with a bored look.
"No... and you didn't teach me anything." Alice said with a blank look.
Alice hit Pan with her knee in his private.
Peter backed away holding his private.
"YOU...LITTLE..." Peter stopped himself before saying something he would later regret.
Alice and Henry began to run but one of the lost boys had hit Alice in the head knocking her out.

Alice opened her eyes slowly.
Still not able to see well, she moved her eyes.
She was somewhere but where?
She knew she was on the ground with an aching head.
Henry noticed she was awake.
"Alice are you ok?!" Henry asked.
It took a minute for Alice to respond.
"I'm well Henry. Please do not worry about me." Alice said with a small smile as she sat up slowly.
"How can I not! You just took a blow to the head!" Henry yelled.
"Well then you should know that I risk everything." Alice said as she sat down on a nearby log.
"Ahhh Alice! You have finally awoken!" Someone said
Alice and Henry both turned their head to the voice.
It was Peters.
"What do you want Peter?" Alice said coldly.
"When did you become so cold?" Peter asked with a smirk.
"You didn't answer my question..." Alice said as she stood up but her headache came back.
"Oh Alice what went wrong?" Peter said as he got closer.
"Leave us alone..." Alice said as she shield Henry.
"Was it Henry that made you stop remembering all of us Alice?" Peter said as he pointed to all of the lost boys.
All of the boys stared at her.
"All I remember about them is that one of them knocked me out..." Alice said staring each and everyone of them.
She saw a boy with the scar through his eye was hiding behind a tree staring at her.
Alice suddenly felt like she had knew him for a moment.
But that moment went away.
"But that was your own fault Alice. You tried to run." Peter said as he went to another log and sat down.
"If you didn't try to threaten us then we wouldn't have to run..." Alice said as she sat down.
Peter just looked at her and began to play his pipe and soon all of the lost boys began to dance.
Alice and Henry began to whisper quietly.
"What are they dancing to?" Henry whispers.
"I'm not sure...I do not hear anything..." Alice whispers back.
Soon Peter walks over to them and says, "Would you like to dance?"
"No thank you..." Alice says.
"Hmmmmm do you both know that special people can hear this." Peter says as he begins to play his pipe.
Alice and Henry look at each other.
"We don't hear anything." Henry says.
Peter looks at them strangely
"Is that so..." Peter whispers.
"Well I guess you wouldn't. Only lost people can hear it. People who's parents abandoned them,loneliness, and not feeling loved." Peter says.
"Well we are both loved. We have families who are looking for us." Alice says.
"Oh really Alice? Where are they?" Peter says as he smirks.
"Looking." Alice says as she turns away.
She soon felt Peters presence was gone.
Then soon she began to fall asleep.
But before she fell asleep, she heard pipe music go through her ear.

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