Colorful Trees

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Alice's POV
I followed behind Felix as we made our way through the trees. I began to speed up next to him.
"So how is it to live longer then any normal human being should?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" He questions as he moves giant leaves out of his way.
"What I mean is you have stayed young for a lifetime or more. More then anyone should. How does it feel?" I simply explained as I put my hands behind my back.
"Oh...well it feels normal. Maybe a little bit boring." Felix says as pulls off his hood.
"Boring? Why would you think such a thought like that?" I ask in disbelief as I pet the leaves from low branches above me.
"Well it gets boring when nobody understands the things you like. I actually wanted to learn a different language a while back but right now I don't think so." Felix looks down to the ground. I suddenly felt a sadness to him and took one of my hands from behind my back and patted his back.
"Darling then may I ask, why can you not still learn. I have had only one normal tutor in my lifetime and the rest I learned myself. You can still learn." I smile softly as Felix looks up at me.
"You always were motivated to do something for the better Alice. You know that right?" Felix smiles.
"Trust me, I wasn't always like that." I say as I stared forwardly while smiling.
Felix looks puzzled.
"What do you mean?"
"People change. Later on when life was more "difficult" I became someone who you wouldn't believe was the innocent child you thought you knew." I began to clutch my hands.
Felix just looks at me. Then he smiles and says,
"Well I guess it doesn't matter. Your here now."
I give him a small smile.
"Now come on! I really want to show you this!" Felix excitedly said as he ran off into the leafs. I stand still for a moment.
"" I mumbled sadly.

"Where is my goddamn daughter?!" Hook yells angrily at Regina.
"If I knew then I would of said something!" Regina yells back.
"Ok guys enough!" Emma yells as she got between Hook and Regina. She turns to Hook first.
"Listen Killian, we are looking for her. And I know how hard it is to lose your child." Emma calmly says.
"But I can't lose her again! I lost her to the seas and to a beast! I just can't!" Hook yells. Worried is plastered all over his face. Emma grabs his shoulders.
"She'll be fine." Emma calms Hook down.
Regina looks nervous. Leaning on a tree, Snow notices it as she's staring at her face.
"Regina. What's wrong?" Snow asks suspiciously.
"Nothing." Regina sternly says.
Emma and Hook notices it as well.
"What are ye keeping Regina?" Hook walks over to her.
"I said nothing!" Regina yells angrily.
"Yer keeping something hidden from the rest of us!" Hook yells angrily.
"You better back off pirate or I will burn your insides!" Regina holds up her hand to reveal a fire ball.
"Both of you enough!" Emma and Snow yell. Everyone falls silent. Snow walks over to Regina.
"Regina what is wrong?"
Regina turns away.
"I said nothing."
Snow's eyebrows knit together.
"You know we don't believe that. Now tell us what's wrong."
Regina looks back and takes a deep breath.
"I made a promise not to tell."
"Not tell what?" Hook questions with slight anger in his voice.
Regina scoffs.
"Sometimes I wonder how she could put up with you,"
Regina crosses her arms.
"Alice is sick. Really sick. And right now, it has been getting worse. She's..."
Everyone looks at Regina in fear
"She's going to die,"

"This is amazing..."
All over the trees hanged different colored bottles. Each one was swinging softly as the moon shines on their glass. Alice gives off a small laugh.
"It''s absolutely astonishing!" She says excitedly.
"I knew you would like it," Felix says as he smiles.
Alice turns to look at him. She puts on a huge grin. She curtsies as she picks up the sides of her dress. She bows her head to the ground and soon she lifts it back up. She drops the sides of her dress and sticks out her hand.
"Why good sir, would you care to have this dance with me?" Alice asks with her voice all proper and ladylike. Felix laughs. He puts his hand on her hand and says,
"Why yes my lady! I would love to!"
Alice takes Felix's hand and takes him to the center of the trees. She puts her hands on his waist. She instructs him to put his arms around her neck. That was when she began to move around in small steps. Felix follows along. Both have huge silly grins on their faces. Alice lets go of his waist and runs away as she laughs. Felix goes after her and grabs her by the waist. She laughs in joy. He spins her around and around as her legs are swinging in the air. Soon he got dizzy and fell down. Alice falls down next to him. They both start laughing. As their laughing begins to soften, they turn to each other. Alice smiles softly at him. Felix smiles backs. Felix then gets closer. Alice's face turns to a shade of pink but she keeps on smiling. Felix gets even closer to her. That was when he puts his hand on her cheek. She puts her hand on his hand. Their faces are now inches from each other. Alice leans in a bit. Their lips almost touching. Just as their lips were about to touch, a yell could be heard.
"Felix! Where are you?!"
It was Peter's
Alice and Felix quickly stand up. Both of their faces feeling very hot. Peter comes over to both of them. He grins as he sees Alice. He puts his arm around her bare shoulders and pulls her close to him. Alice would have pulled away but she was too embarrassed at the moment. Felix was feeling the same way.
"Felix I need you back at camp. I need your help with Henry for a moment." Peter says as Alice looks at him.
"Wait why?" Alice questions. She pushes herself away from Peter's grip. He grabs her back.
"Well you'll see Alice," Peter smirks at her. Alice's gut began to get sick.

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