Lost Girl

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"This is absolutely miserable!" Alice complain. She was inside the cage that Pan had instructed Felix to put her in. She was way up in the tree.
"I'll be very late for the tea party! Oh how much fun they all will have without me," Alice said very sadly. She slid her legs through the bars of the cage. Her legs were now dangling from the cage with her dress a bit wrinkled. Alice laid her back on the floor of the cage. She then lifted her hand into the inside of her blue collar dress. She pulled out a golden locket. She opened it up softly. She traces her index finger on the word Wonderland engraved in the right side of the locket. She closes the locket quickly and held tightly onto it. "Don't worry. I'll be at home soon..." Alice whispered softly to herself.

Alice wakes up to a bright light shined on her face. She opens her eyes to have the sun spray it's rays in her eyes. Alice pulls in her legs that were still dangling from the cage. She yawns loudly while trying to stretch her arms and legs in her cage. "I wonder if the Hatter and March Hare are still having their tea party? Oh and the door mouse as well. Oh will they notice that I haven't been at their tea party? Have they already sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat?" Alice spoke softly to herself. She was still thinking when her cage came crashing down. She let out a loud scream as she went down. Once she had made it to the dirt ground, she heard laughter. She looks through the bars to see who was laughing. It was Pan. Alice made a disgusted look on her face.

"How rude of you to laugh," Alice spoke with her small hands on the bars.

"Laugh at what? Your fall or your scream?" Pan laughed as he bend down to Alice. Alice scoffed.

"You are one of the most rudest boys I have ever yet met," Alice commented rudely.

"Oh trust me you'll meet plenty of boys who are "rude" Alice," Pan smirks. Alice looks at Pan deep in his eyes. "Let. Me. Out," Alice slowly says. Pan puts his hand through the bars of her small cage and takes hold of Alice's hair.

"Not until you learn how to be nicer," Pan says as he pulls roughly on her blond hair. Alice winces in pain. "Until then you'll be stuck here. Someone will bring your meal 3 times in the day. And if you do behave yourself then I'll let you out for a nice walk," Pan darkly says. Alice looks at Pan in fear. He lets go of her hair. He then brings out a small bowl of food and a canteen of water. He puts it through the bars.

"Here's your breakfast," Pan says. He stands up and turns to the rope that was attached to her cage. Alice puts aside the food and water and calls out, "Hey!" Pan turns to her. "When I leave this land, you better hope that I'm not late," Alice calmly says. "Late for what?" Pan questions with a roll of his eyes. "For a tea party," Alice says calmly again. And with that she turns her attention to her meal. Pan looks at her for a minute and turns to the rope. He pulls the cage up where it originally was. Once the cage was where it needed to be, he ties the rope to the ground. And with that done, he turns to leave.

"Weird girl,"

(Don't fall asleep Alice,) Alice thought to herself. She was seated on one of the logs with her legs curled up to her chin.

(Don't fall asle-) Alice closed her eyes. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, someone called her.

"Hey Alice want to dance?" Alice opened up her eyes and looked up to see Felix standing in front of her. Alice smiled and nodded her head. (Maybe this will help me stay awake,) Alice thought. She grabbed his hand and stood up. She walked with him where some of the lost boys were at. Around the fire, the lost boys were dancing as wild flames. Soon Felix and Alice joined them. Alice was jumping and swinging her arms all around her. She was yelling and laughing along with the other boys. She linked her arm with Felix's and they both spun around. She untangled her arm from his and connected it with other lost boys arms. Spinning and laughing. Then someone grabbed her hand and pulled her to a spot and yelled out, "Attention boys!" Everyone stopped dancing and turned to Pan who was holding Alice's hand. "Boys I would like to introduce our lost girl, Alice!" He yelled out. Everyone cheered. Alice who was swaying back and forth didn't hear what was said and cheered with everyone. Her eyelids barely open. Pan turned to Alice and said, "Welcome back Alice," and placed a daisy flower crown on top of her head. She smiled a wide grin. Without thinking she grabs his hand and pulls him to dance with her around the fire. He smirks and follows her. They both began to dance wildly and crazily. Alice was laughing as her vision began to get weary. Soon her balance began to lose it's steady. As she falls down to the ground, her heartbeat stops. Darkness was now all she saw.

Alice was walking down a dirt path. Her breathing was steady and calm. She could feel warmth and love as she was walking down the path. Fields of daisies surrounded her. As she kept on walking, she could see a lake afar. She sprints towards to the lake and as she reaches it she looks down at it with her bare feet soaking in the cool water. She sees her reflection. She wasn't in her blue dress but instead a white dress that stops right at her knees. Her hair was in a bun and she didn't have any scars or scratches anywhere on her body. She looks up from her reflection and sees a blinding light. She covers it with her right hand but takes it away as it seems to dim a bit. She looks at the light in shock. In front of her was her sister.


"It's ok Alice. You were right. What I was doing was bad and I paid the consequences,"

"But Mar I am so sorry for what I said to you and to mother and father. I regretted saying those words," Alice cried out as tears went down her face. She felt a warm hand press against her face.

"All is forgiven Alice but right now, it isn't your time,"

Alice looks up at her sisters face in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Her sister leaned in close.

"Wake up Alice," She whispers.

"Wake up,"

"Wake up,"

"Wake up,"

"Wake up,"

"Wake up darling,"

Alice opens her eyes to Rumpelstiltskin.


Okay one sorry haven't been updating a lot. Been busy and i was sorta in writers block. And two Alice been falling and crying for the last couple chapters so in general she has been literally me. I'm falling and breaking everything in my path while crying in the process lol

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