The End

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It's dark.

Yet I can hear noises.

I can hear beeps and...talking?

My eyelids are too heavy to open them. 

But I can still feel the pain.

The pain is becoming too much.

I can't handle it.

It hurts.


I can feel myself being lifted. 

My head is bobbling back and forth.

I try to open up my eyes but they want to stay shut.

The pain returns to me.

I feel like crying but I can't.

I can't do anything. 

I can't move.


I try to wiggle my fingers and they're not moving. Then I try to kick my leg. 

Nothing is moving. 

Then as if this wasn't enough, I hear the devil himself. 

"Thought you could leave without saying goodbye Alice?"



Alice can feel herself be carried by Peter as though her weight was nothing. He was carrying her through the hospital halls. She can hear people trying to stop him but they were pushed to the side by Peter. By the time she could open her eyes, they were outside.

"I've a surprise for you." Peter whispered into her ear. 

The way he said that made Alice feel unnerved. There was something wrong with that sentence. What was the surprise? Well whatever it is, it can never be good.


"We're here." Peter says.

He harshly puts Alice down on the road. She can barely hold herself up. She's so weak and tired. 

"Where are we Peter?" Alice asks she's trying to hold onto her balance. 

"Take a look around. I think you'll like it." Peter says with a evil grin. 

This frightens her. She doesn't know what he means. But she'll know soon enough. Especially once she sees what's behind her. 

Alice turns around to see what Peter means. She starts crying.

"No. No. No. No. NOOOOOOOOOO" Alice screams out.

Peter just laughs. 

Behind her is her worst nightmare.

Behind her is Felix. Except he's not moving. 

Alice wobbles down to where he is. She crawls until she reaches his body and wraps her arms around him. He's cold. 

"Felix? Felix please wake up! Please wake up!" Alice screams as she's crying. 

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