Welcome To Neverland Alice

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Peter watched as Alice slept. They both were in a makeshift tent that one of the lost boys made for Alice. Alice was sleeping on a bed. Her breathing made him relaxed. Then Peter turned his attention to her body. Alice changed into the dress that was given to her. Peter then looked back at Alice's face. Her usual calm face was changed into a relaxed look. He also noticed that her mouth was slightly open in which saliva was coming down. He chuckled. He softly closed her mouth. As he touched her mouth, he also touched her lips. He smoothly rubbed on them. Her lips were soft and warm. Before he did anything else that he would later regret, he pulled his hand back. He stood up and walked over to the exit of the tent.

Alice followed Felix as he was walking. She then grabbed his long cape and hid underneath it. Felix felt Alice move around underneath his cape. He just smiled. Then after some time of walking, Felix stopped. Due to the sudden stop, Alice hit Felix's bum.
"Sorry..." Alice whispered.
She then came out underneath the cape. What Alice saw made her hide behind Felix. In front of her was a campfire with boys dressed in masks, clothing filled with filth, and weapons. Then an older girl she hadn't seen came walking towards Felix and her.
"Who is this Felix?" The girl ask clearly upset.
She haves such a boyish voice..., Alice though.
"Peter this is Alice. I found her following me while doing my routine." Felix said calmly.
Alice examined the figure in front of them.
That was when she realized her mistake.
It was a male. And he look at her with an eyebrow up. She had her eyes wide with her mouth open.
Oh my. This is quite awkward.
She thought.
Alice quickly closed her mouth and finally walked towards the male.
"Excuse my intrusion Mr but I did not mean to be...ummm...here in this land." She said while doing a curtsy.
"What do you mean?" Peter questioned quite annoyed.
"I mean is that I was trying to go "home". I accidentally took the wrong rabbit hole and ended up here." Alice said as she motions with her hands.
"Rabbit Hole?" Peter said quite confused now.
"Oh yes! It was quite large as well! It is one of the ways to get to my home!" Alice said quite excited talking about the hole.
Peter gave Alice a questionable look.
"And where are you from?" He asked.
"Originally London." Alice said while scratching her head.
"So your going to London?" Peter asked now more confused.
"Oh no silly! I am going to my new "home"! Where you can only live if your as mad as a hatter!" Alice said while putting her hands on her hips as if she was so proud of what she said.
"And you are...mad?" Peter said with his eyebrow going even more up.
"Well I do have a fair amount of madness inside of me. I speak to myself quite often. And will talk to trees. So I think that is enough." Alice said as she looked at him.
They stayed like that for a while until Alice looked around to look at the boys around them. They all looked at her in curiosity. She then turned her attention to the boy in front of her.
"Anywho, I followed Felix here so that maybe he could help me get my way back but I forgot to ask. I ended up being quite distracted." Alice said while putting her hands behind her back.
"Well Alice, you cannot go home." Peter said as he bended down to Alice and smirked at her.
Alice looked surprised at first but then became angry.
"Why may I not leave?! I am very busy here! I am late for a tea party with the Mad Hatter, March Hare, and the Door Mouse!" Alice yelled angrily while pointing at her wrist as if there was a watch there.
Peter just smirked at her.
"There's nothing there Alice." He said while looking at her with a amusing smile.
"Well then, you have no such imagination!" Alice said as she flickered her fingers at his forehead.
Peter took a step back from the act. Then he angrily said,
"Felix, take her to the cage...."
Felix picked up an angry Alice and said,
"Yes Pan."
"And watch over her." Peter said while walking away from the two.
Before Felix took Alice to her cage, Alice stuck her tongue at Peter.

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