Away We Go

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A/N: Heyyyy's been years. I just want to say that I'm sorry for never finishing this story in so long. But I want to say that I wrote this cringe and pathetic fanfic when I was LITERALLY 13/14 YEARS OLD. Now I am 17 and I still get emails/ messages about this story and I literally want to die because it reminds me of my younger years (aka my preteen years T-T) But I am not gonna be those writers who updates and say they're discontinuing the story and I will not delete the story either. This story is going to be a piece of my younger years and remind me what a little weirdo I was and still am. This story is so bad yet I love it at the same time because I remember how excited I was when I wrote the chapters and when people would comment and it just made me feel so happy. So again I'm sorry for never updating but know that I am going to finish this story. And please enjoy. -Giuli aka the author of this horrible fanfic that I wrote back in 2015-16ish. 

Atlantis looks at Alice in such surprise.

"Alice I haven't seen you in-"

"In years? Why yes! But right now there is no time for talk! I need your help!" Alice says with determination in her voice. 

Atlantis looks at her with a questionable look.

"What is it? What do you need help with?" She asks.

"I need your help taking me to a land called Storybrook," Alice explains.


"Yes and I need to go now!" Alice confidentiality says.

"Well alright then," Atlantis says. 

She pulls out her webbed hands out of the water and in front of Alice. Before Alice could grab it, someone yells out her name. Alice quickly turns around and is faced with Pan.

"Where the bloody hell do you think your going?" Pan questions. 

He lifts up a eyebrow.

"Anywhere but here," Alice answers back. 

She grabs Atlantis's hand and she begins to pull her in the water. Pan acts fast and grabs Alice's waist. He begins to pull her back. Atlantis grunts as she's pulling Alice as hard as she could. Alice starts to panic but then an idea hits her. She lets her hand slip from Atlantis grip and turns to face Pan.

"You know Pan, I have been thinking about you from these last hours," Alice says innocently.

"I know you're lying," Pan says as he tightens his grip on Alice's waist.

"I know," She says as she cups her right hand into a fist. 

And BAM! 

There goes Pan tumbling back while holding his check. Alice takes this moment to escape. She quickly grabs Atlantis's hand, takes a deep breath, and jumps into the water.


It's cold.

It's freezing.

Was what Alice thought as she was dragged through the sea. She could barely open her eyes and yet...if she thought hard enough. She could almost feel like she was flying. 

She felt she was underwater for years but was probably minutes. She was going so fast. Yet the mermaid who was her way out of that torturous island kept a tight grip on her wrist. 

After a while, Atlantis stops swimming. 

They've reached their destination. 


Atlantic and Alice both popped their heads above the water and the sight that they both saw made Alice want to cry from joy. It was Storybrook. She was finally home. 

   They both quickly swim to the dock and with the help of Atlantic, Alice climbs onto the boardwalk. She takes a deep breath.

"Home at last." She whispers.

She looks over to Atlantis and gives her a warm smile.

"Thank you Atlantis. If it wasn't for you, I would still be a prisoner to that idiot." 

Atlantis gives Alice a smile. 

"You're welcome my dear."

Atlantis looks to the side with a sadden look and says, 

"I must go now. I don't belong here."

"Then go. There are more great things that are awaiting for you." Alice says with a happy, tired look. 

Atlantis waves off to Alice before she goes under the water. Alice stays where she is. She's breathing hard. She can barely breath.

It hurts. 

It hurts to breathe. 

No. I am not passing out. I am absolutely not.

Alice begins her journey back into town. She's walking slowly and her feet are starting to kill her. Has she always been this tired? Her whole body feels like it's failing her. But she keeps on walking. No matter what, she'll keep walking. 

Her feet finally reach something firm. Alice looks down. It's the road. The road back into the town. She keeps on walking. 

She walks on the road for about five minutes but the pain is getting stronger. 

The pain is killing her. It hurts. It hurts so bad. 

Alice begins to cry. She can't handle it anymore. She's sobbing with her arms wrapped around her. Maybe if she held herself together, she wouldn't fall apart. But that's not the case right now. She falls down to her knees, causing them to scratch and bleed. There's no one but her. Only her. 

That is until someone grabs her. They're trying to talk to her. Alice can't tell who it is. She's still crying as the stranger holds her into their arms. They're trying to comfort her. 

"Hey, it's going to be ok Alice. I got you. I got you. Don't worry." They say as they're comforting her. 

Alice knows who it is. 

It's Jefferson. 

Alice's cries turn into laughter. Her face is covered with all of her hot tears yet she has a wide smile. Her laughter begins to increase as the pain comes. She can't stop. She's looking at Jefferson with a smiling face as she holds onto him. 

"Alice I'm going to take you to the hospital. Ok? You're bleeding." Jefferson says as he lifts her up. 

She keeps on laughing. Even as her nose begins to bleed. The blood goes down her nose and begins to spread everywhere on her face. She laughs even harder.

Another Author's Note: 

I've read back on some of these chapters and I want to die. God they were awful. I don't know what I was thinking especially on the chapters with the songs. I so badly want to delete those but as I said, they're memories haha. I love killing myself!!!! I'm also not going to change any of my past chapters because I want to remind myself how bad this fanfic is! So I'm sorry guys about that. But please enjoy this new chapter that I wrote back in 2017 and I just finished today! And last note is that this story is going to end soon and I want y'all to be aware of that. Thank you all for reading this story and making me remember my cringe 13/14 year old self.

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