Really Nikolaj?

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Working as a stunt double, you expect to get close to the person you're playing but this job was different.
I was working as a stunt double, playing Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones, played by Gwendoline christie. You'd exchange the occasional word but never got close as you had in other roles. And for some reason, you were upset by this. Gwendoline seemed to spend all her time with her co-star Nikolaj Coster Waldu. You had had a few scenes with him and he was nice but all you wanted was to be close to Gwendoline. Whenever you saw her laughing or messing around with Nikolaj, you felt jealous. You weren't usually the jealous type but seeing them together made you mad.

You woke up one morning, really not wanting to go to work but you had a big scene today so had to. You skip breakfast as you weren't hungry and make your way to set with a coffee in hand. You arrive and walk to hair and makeup. You get into character and make your way to the set. You see Gwendoline with Nikolaj and his stunt double. Why was she talking to them and not you.
You sit in the corner and plug you'll headphones in until the director calls you over. He explains the plan for the day and sends everyone to their scenes. Before I left, Nikolaj pulls me aside.
"Are you ok Y/N, you look a little pale and this is an intense scene."
"Yes I'm fine" I pull my arm away and stomp off to set.
I grab my props and stand in position.
"Action!" Yells the director
We start to fight and as the scene becomes more intense, you start to feel lightheaded. You continue, not wanting to cause a fuss.
The next thing you remember is you were falling backwards and someone was calling for medics before it all went back. You wake up staring at a white ceiling, confused about where you were. You go to sit up but fall backwards, you still felt dizzy. You feel someone squeezing your hand. You look over and see Gwendoline looking at you.
"Oh Y/N, you scared us. Have you eaten today?" She looks at me concerned.
"No, unless coffee counts" I say
"No Y/N, when did you last eat?"
"I don't know, 2 days ago?" I say guessing. You fail to mention to her that you are recovering from an Ed and are supposed to eat at every meal.
"Well when they discharge you, let's go eat, you can't stop eating, it's horrible"
"But I thought you don't like me!"
"No I like you, I thought you didn't like me!" She says shocked.


when she said that I didn't like her I was quite surprised, I thought she just didn't like anyone.
"I'm sorry I gave you that idea, where do you wanna go for food?" She asks tears appearing in her eyes.
"I don't mind, we can get takeaway and go to my house, or go to a restaurant."
I look her up and down while she decides what to eat. God, she was so skinny. Did she have an eating disorder? I remember being in her position when first started acting. Always being told you are too fat or too tall or too skinny. It's a horrible industry.
"Can we get takeaway?" She whispers.
"Yes of course darling, what do you want?" I saw her blush at the name before saying "can we get Chinese please?
I call over a doctor to discharge her and we leave and head to my car. She's very quiet and shy but I don't say anything. We get into the car and I start to drive to my house. She seems tense so I place my hand on her thigh and stroke it. She doesn't flinch or hit my hand away, she instead relaxes her body and seems a lot calmer.


She puts her hand on my thigh and strokes it. I feel a sense of calm and relaxation. We pull up to a gorgeous house with a big front garden. I go to get out and walk to her door but Gwendoline had other ideas. She scooped me up in her arms and carries me inside. I snuggle into her chest, she smells like vanilla and cinnamon. She lays me on the sofa and sits next to me.
She starts to stroke my feet and I feel calm.
"Can I shower?" I ask timidly
"Yes of course, do you need any help?"
I think, she'll get to see me naked but that's disrespectful.
I go to stand up but nearly fall over. I'm caught with a strong grip. I look at up Gwendoline and she smiles before saying, "I think you do"
She picks me up again and carries me to the bathroom. While at the hospital they must have changed me because I was wearing what I wore to work this morning. Gwendoline slowly pulls off my t-shirt and looks away, not to see my chest.
"It's ok you can look," I say smiling. Gwendoline blushes and timidly looks back at me. She pulls off my jeans and lets me take off my underwear. She then turns on the shower and goes to ring the Chinese.
I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I walked out into the hall and found Gwendoline. She handed me some of her clothes she found for me to wear, a baggy shirt and shorts. I put them on and the shirt came down mid thigh. I wasn't as tall as Gwendoline but I am 5 ft 11, so taller than average.
She gets off the phone and I decided to ask about the and Nikolaj.
"Sooo I have a question" I say hesitant but she nods for me to continue.
"Are you and Nikolaj dating?"
She laughs
"Really, Nikolaj? why do you think that?"
"Well you guys are so close and you are always laughing and joking and he is so nice and..." she cuts you off there.
"No, we aren't dating. In fact, there is something I haven't told many people, I'm gay." She says blushing. I just hug her.

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