Nevermore days~ Larissa Weems

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Larissa Weems was your boss and your best friend. You had attended Nevermore academy with her and were her and Morticia's roommate. You now worked at Nevermore with Larissa. She was headmistress while you were the Astronomy teacher.

Larissa always seemed a bit jealous as you and Morticia used to be popular and good at everything. You tried hard to include Larissa but she never wanted to hang out.

On this day, Morticia was returning to Nevermore with her daughter, Wednesday. You were sat on Larissa's desk, talking about the new addition.

"You excited Lara?" You ask as she puts her head in her hands
"You think I'm excited?" She rolls her eyes.
"Yes. Yes I do." You reply laughing. You hear a knock at the door and you hop off the desk before standing behind Larissa. Things had been tense between you two. You and Morticia had dated in school and she didn't like that. But now you were developing feelings for Larissa. You didn't think she liked you because Morticia had always been her first choice.

Morticia waltzed in followed by a smaller version of her, hair in pigtails.

"Y/n! Larissa! How good to see you." She calls as she enters the room. She pulls you into a tight hug before sitting down infront of the desk. You see Larissa's face turn sour as you pull away from the hug flustered. You were only flushed because Morticia had given you a very good view of her cleavage and she was still undeniably hot. What Larissa didn't know, is that you would be much happier if that was her cleavage you could see. It made you sad that Larissa was so conservative when it came to her torso. But atleast you could see her gorgeous legs.

"It's good to see you again too Morticia. Now let's get down to business." Larissa was very much in Principal mode, unlike 2 minutes ago when you were joking and making fun of her.

After a long conversation, Ms Thornhill came to escort Wednesday to her dorm.

"So tish, how's Gomez?" You ask, hopping back onto the desk.
"I don't really know, we got a divorce." She sighs.
"Oh my dear! Let me take you out tonight, get him off your mind." You pull her into a hug.
"You coming Lara?" You turn behind you, facing an angry Larissa.
"No, I don't want to interrupt the fun!" She says coldly, upsetting you slightly.

Morticia soon left and you were sat with Larissa.
"Why won't you come out tonight?" You groan as she continues to work.
"Cause as you said in school, I'm no fun."
"That wasn't me, that was Tish and that was 30 years ago, I want you there." You give her puppy eyes.
"No." She says bluntly.
"Why Lara?" You sigh
"Because you'll probably be busy making out with your new girlfriend." She snaps
"Is this what this is all about? That I dated Morticia 30 years ago and you still have a crush on her? Get over it. And for your information I d9kt even like her!" You shout.
"Well why were you all flustered when she hugged you?"
"Because her boobs were right in my face! It was weird."
"You still have a crush on her!" She calls as you walk to the door.
"Go fuck yourself!" You call, flipping her off before slamming the door.

You walk back to your dorm, getting changed into your shortest dress, passing Larissa off more. You do your makeup and hair before texting Morticia to meet you outside.

As you walk down to the main entrance, you are spotted by Larissa. You could see the anger in her face as she saw your dress.

"You look like a whore you know?"
"Thanks." You reply sarcastically.
"My pleasure."

Morticia's hearse pulls up and she gets out, dressed similarly to you. She pulls you in for a hug before taking your arm and walking with you to the car. You turn back to see Larissa bright red with anger.
You laugh before turning back to Morticia.

You both decide to go to a bar that night but end up getting stupidly drunk. By the time you reach Nevermore, you could barely stand up. As you walk towards the school, you fall over and here Two people call your name before blacking out.

When you wake up, you see a figure standing over you. Your vision was patchy so you couldn't see who it was.
"Tish, is that you?" You murmur, reaching up to touch the persons cheek. They instantly repulse.

After another couple of minutes, your vision clears and you look to your left, seeing Larissa upset in the chair.
"Lara?" You whisper but she doesn't respond.
"Larissa." You say slightly louder but she ignores you.
"Larissa Weems." You were getting annoyed and you could hear it in your voice.
"Larissa fucking Weems, answer me right now!" You shout but then realise you were majorly hungover and that was too noisy. You lay back down, covering your face with your hands.

"What?" You hear her whisper quietly.
"Why are you ignoring me?"
"I called Morticia, she's coming over now." She murmurs but that makes you confused.
"Why did you think I wanted her? And you didn't answer my question?"
"You called for her when you woke up." She sobs, clearly she was upset.
"No, I just remember last being with her and I didn't think you'd be here." You groan, your head was pounding

You can hear her crying quietly and after a minute, you managed to sit yourself up.
"Lara, come sit." You pat the edge of your bed. She looks up and the smile on your face was so genuine, she accepted cautiously.
"You want to know why I was so flustered when I hugged Morticia yesterday?" She nodded.
"Because I imagined that it was you and that it was your cleavage in my face." You went red out of embarrassment and she blushed a cute pink colour.
"But you like Morticia?"
"No you idiot, I like you!" You yell again, forgetting your hangover.
"I've always liked you Larissa. Since our Nevermore days. I did love Morticia but I loved you more. I tried to forget about you but I never could. Why do you think  I meet you every morning for breakfast and the last thing I do before bed is have a glass of wine with you? Why do you think I got all defensive yesterday when you accused me of getting with Morticia? Why do you think I got upset when you didn't want to come out?" You chuckle as she just becomes more embarrassed.
"I like you too y/n." She whispers, but you heard.
You kissed her cheek lightly before wrapping your arms around her.

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