Love and law~ Miranda

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A/n: This is the story of how y/n and her lawyer fell in love from the alternate ending to the story 'why Gwen?'

Gwendoline grabbed some stuff. Miranda and you just sat there.

"So I best be going." She laughs awkwardly.

"I didn't see your car?" You ask.

"Oh I got an uber."

"Let me drive you, please."

She smiles at your offer and agrees.

You both climbed into your porsche and you started to drive, yout satnav directing you to her house. You soon arrived and being the gentlewoman you were, walked her to the door.

"Thank you, would you maybe like to come in for coffee?" Miranda asked, hopping anxiously from foot to foot.

"I'd love to Miranda." You both smile and follow her inside.

While she brews the coffee, you hop up onto the counter next to her.

"How do you like your coffee?" She asks, walking to the fridge and grabbing out the milk.

"Black thank you."

"Weirdo." You both laugh.

She hands you your coffee before leaning on the counter, next to you.

"So how you holding up?" She asks.

"Fine I think, I now know I haven't loved her properly for years. Probably from just after our wedding." You sigh.

"At least you've been in love." Miranda sighs.

"Now what does that mean?"

"I've just been called ugly a pot and bullied for my height." She sighs.

"Come here pretty lady."You pull her between your legs and hug her.

"Youre height doesn't define you and you are absolutely beautiful. Don't let them get you down Miranda, you are amazing."

She just smiles and cuddles into you. You just stay like that for a while before she let's go.

"I've gotta go now Miranda, but if you ever want a bit of company, you have my number."

You smile and she walks you out to your car. You got home and had butterflies. You knew you shouldn't have been feeling like that having gotten divorced a few hours ago but you hadn't been in love with Gwendoline  for years.

Over the next few weeks, you cleared out all of Gwendoline's stuff and redecorated.

Miranda helped and you had a lot of fun with her. On the last day, you both fell into your sofa, sighing in relief.

"Thank you Mir, for everything." You smile, moving closer to her.

"No problem, it's been nice." She looks happily at you.

"But there's one more thing you can do for me." You whispered.

Before you even asked for it, Miranda's lips were immediately on yours, kissing you passionately. You returned the kiss, straddling her lap.

"Oh im sorry, you didn't want that did you? I think I've had a bit too much wine this afternoon!" Miranda apologises.

You press another kiss to her lips to shut her up.

"Please learn when to shut up Mir!" You laugh before taking her into another kiss.

"It's not too soon is it?" She asked nervously.

Gwendoline One Shots Where stories live. Discover now