Mine (pt.3)

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A Week Later.........

The firmness of the broad shoulders and muscles is a significant bonus. Having a chest so smooth and toned came in complete satisfaction for the person who gets a chance to rub it every night. Being in the presence of a sexy Godiva satisfied the biggest craving inside of her. One leg draping across his waist. Her freshly manicured nails traced every ab. The anticipated watered in her mouth. She slowly swallowed that craving. His arm wrapped firmly around her waist. His chest rose and slowly fell, indicating he was still in his deep slumber.

Liv bites the inside of her lip, staring at a sleeping Spencer. This new sleeping arrangement and sleepover started three days ago. Spencer and Olivia were sitting on the sofa watching a movie. She had complained of her lower back hurting and how uncomfortable she had been lately. He offered to massage her back in hopes that it would make her feel a little better. Amid the massage and movie, they had fallen asleep. Liv lying directly on his chest with a leg draped across him. He tried waking her up, but she only mumbled how he was the best pregnancy pillow.

Adjusting to the new dynamic, they were now entering has become easier said than done. Conversations still held an awkward distance. Looking into the eyes that saw past every ounce of her flaws was much harder. In her mind, she only felt that Spencer was just around because of the baby. Not because he genuinely loves and wants to be with her. In her heart, she knew this to be accurate, but her mind couldn't catch up to her heart.

The vibrations of Spencer's phone on the nightstand pull her out of those inner thoughts. She glanced over at the screen, rolling her eyes. Liv taps Spencer's cheating, handing over his device. Squinting his eyes, and looked at the screen, then declined the call.

"You could have answered."

"It's cool." Closing his eyes in the hope of receiving five more minutes of sleep.

"It's okay that it's her." Laying on him brought heavenly thoughts to her mind, but right now, she needed space. Putting her robe on and securing the tie.

"As I said before, it's cool." Stretching his arms, sitting up in bed.

Liv shuffled into the bathroom to handle her business and brush her teeth. In the mirror's reflection, Spencer was checking his text messages and voicemails. Hearing him sigh under his breath stung her heart. He must have forgotten about a date with the wedding shop chick again.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah.....all good." She could hear the lie in his voice.

"Still coming with me to the appointment today?" She looked up from the counter into the mirror.

"Of course. Wouldn't miss it for anything in the world." The excitement clearly indicated where his mind was at the moment.

A slight smile spreads across her face. Proceeding on with her morning regiment. Spencer threw the comforter off himself. Pulling on the discarded jeans and t-shirt on the floor.

"You're leaving so soon." A hint of sadness flashed in her voice.

"Yeah. Got something I need to take care of."

"Do you want breakfast? Coffee? Juice? Anything?"

"I'll grab something. See you later."

He pecks her cheek, grabs his phone, and leaves. She looks at the door heaving a sigh. It was never an easy thing to watch him go, even when she would see him in a couple of hours.

Spencer stopped by his place to freshen up and change. An important task needed to be completed before Liv's appointment. Rushing down the stairs, grabbing an apple glancing around, making sure he had everything he needed.

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