United In Grief

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Tonight's Episode

Okay so Spencer was straight acting out. Mama Grace said hell naw. I literally started screaming when Grace went back to being that straight black mama that's not playing those games. Spence disrespected Grace, Carter, and Dillion all in one setting. Then told Spears he was trespassing!!! This was straight up Alonzo.

The face off between Kenny and Spencer....Kenny gave Spencer that straight up talk. Like I'm not backing down this time you're in my territory. Very intense. Dr. Spears let Spence know he wasn't going to stop showing up. That he's becoming toxic and he is. Suppressing his grief has made him toxic. The beach house scene....OH MY GOSH!!! I clutched my chest and almost cried. Coop letting him know she didn't know who he is and she didn't feel safe. Neither did Dillion! Man that cut deep. You can tell he was scared of hisself.

Dr. Spears said something that I really loved, black males tend not to say that they're not okay. It's okay not to be okay!! When Spencer started to talk about Corey, I knew we were hitting the topic of abandonment!! It's time to address Spencer's abandonment issues.

Coop how you going to tell the twins what happened then try to defend Alicia?! Girl Bye! Liv was so pissed that ole girl left Spencer like that. Liv like nope we're not having that!!! My man has abandonment issues and we can't leave him hanging!! Liv went into full wifey mode. Before I get into Spencer's breakdown let's discuss the Alicia and Liv conversation. First off I don't like how girl came at our girl. I get Liv didn't want to burst homegirl bubble and say yeah I know he needs me. Liv was trying to convince herself and Alicia that Spencer needed Alicia. We know that's bull! Alicia I agree with you on Liv is the person Spencer needs and that clearly he's still in love with her. I don't know if she said that but I'm going to add it in lol. Liv takes it personally when people leaves Spencer. I'm not mad at her because she sees and knows his worth!! Takes me back to Spencer saying the most important relationship in my life!! Because their relationship is important!!!

Daniel you get all the flowers and love honey!! My eyes watered so much. He said everyone always leave!! That hurt so much. Spencer finally coming to terms with his issues did my heart good. Dr. Spears helped a lot with his break through. It's very important to take care of your mental health guys. Whatever is outweighing you please address it!!! I mean it!!! There is so much I can say about Spencer's journey. Honest truth, these grief episodes have helped a lot with me addressing old wounds that I thought I healed. Or better yet my grief alone. My favorite moment is, him dealing with grief and making a phone call to Billy. Leaving a voicemail letting him know he loves him, miss him, he's going to be a better version of himself, and not to worry because his village has him. My heart melted. I can go on and on but I need to move along to something else right quick lol.

We were so damn close! So close! Okay so the village showed up, Liv done got Darnell here! Darnell letting Spencer know Naw man, Liv is the one who got us all here. You know she isn't going to let anyone give up on you. Spencer was like yep it's time to get my woman back! Get my wife back! This girl means so much to me and it's clear she's the one!! We're having the cute moment and he's like I owe you that conversation so let's go for that walk!! We're about to go for the walk and in walk that that that ughhhh. Everyone is looking like hell naw!!! Like why are you here!! Talking about walking out was a mistake and blah blah. Spencer is just stunned and shocked like what the hell. He look at that door and see Liv is gone. Y'all his heart is broken. He didn't even react to the hug!! Spencer probably like damn I was so damn close!! Alicia girl you should have stated in hiding because he's definitely isn't going to fake it till he make anymore. You had your way out!!! Hell I'll be embarrassed to show up to a function that my boyfriend's ex put together for HIM!!! Okay I'm done talking about this because Spence wasn't happy to see her at all. He was so close!!

I'm not addressing any other storylines because they don't matter to me. I got my delivery from Daniel and I'm good. Definitely need these two weeks off to call my nerves. Do I even want to do my Spencer inner thought?! I might end up doing his inner thoughts on Liv walking out that door because man wasn't happy about that. Spencer was ready. Liv was ready!

Liv's going back into dancing, I'm excited!!! Spencer telling her fall her dreams.....I'm like awwww. Spencer you better spit mad game to get your girl back lol.

I'm saying this for all of my people...PROTECT YOUR PEACE!!! Meaning if you're ready to fall all the way back from this show then do it! Don't just say it! Do It!! Protect your peace at all cost. I mean this in the most respectful way...stop stressing over this show! Frfr stop stressing. I'm going to ride the wave until the boat sink. Honestly, just not the show alone, but in everyday life protect your peace. Stop letting these writers stress you out because they're still getting their coins at the end of the day. Do what's right for you!! I just don't like see you guys down and out over the show and the writing. Protect your peace please!!! That's all asking. Watch clips, read the Fanfiction, but don't watch live if you know you don't need the stress. Honestly your mental health is super important. And is you're wondering how I can carry on with a show with the storylines going crazy...let's just say I watched all of Empire and their storylines started to go crazy so I can endure this lol. But Frfr if you're backing away from the show...do it and stop worrying/stressing about the storylines.

I love you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️. Protect your peace at all cost!! Take care of your mental and physical health.

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