Tonight's Review

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Tonight episode I like but not going to say I just love. Seeing Jordan finally grow a pair and stand up made me extra happy. We're always seeing Spencer in that mode so to see Jordan in that light was refreshing. I would hope we would see more of that light from him. He's trying to man up and be the head, but he put too much pressure on himself. We all know Billy could never fix anything lol. Glad Laura reminded him that his dad tried but never could lol. Seeing Laura and Jordan have a moment warmed my heart. I believe each these past two episodes have helped Laura reach center stages in her grief.

Now I was pissed when Liv had to be the one to address Layla and Patience issues with Laura. Like why y'all leave girl to do y'all dirty I might as well say?! Liv is right, Billy wouldn't want Laura to be holding herself back. She'll forever grieve but it's okay to take baby steps in moving on. It's hard to break a routine that you're use to doing.

Spencer Alonzo James........oooooooo I'm going to ooooo I'm going to oooooo you're lucky you're grieving right now because I want to put my foot so far up your.......our boy is wilding guys!! This isn't him! Kia being back in the house was a yayyy moment! Hate we didn't get her and Liv having a scene but it's all good. Kia shut Spencer all the way down!!! Yassss shut him down and tell him to get hisself in order. Frausto........usually I'm like don't talk to my man like that but I'm saying preach on because he needs that message clearly. Everyone around Spencer sees the spiral and he keeps trying to ignore his pain. You can't keep ignoring it. Hold up......Liv went into automatic save Spencer mode when she heard he was transferring. Girl said yeah something isn't right with my man. He pissed me off declining her call lol, but she didn't even let that get her. She shot that text and said I'm here if you need to talk. She's respecting his space. Plus he doesn't want her to see him like that. He was hesitant to pick up but he did the right thing. Spencer needs to be the best version of himself. But he needs to realize he has a village that has him no matter what. He just has to get back to the Spencer James he was before Billy's death!

Jordlayla is growing on me. Do I think they will last? I honestly believe if they want this relationship to work then they will last. They're good for each other. Both uplifts each other up somehow. Now things are going good with them, but we never know about these writers. Yes I do believe there are roadblocks ahead of them. Every relationship faces roadblocks every now and again. If I can name two people that would possibly come and create some of those problems, I'll say Simone and Clay. Those two are the last people they intertwined with before building something with each other. To me there are still unsaid things between Layla and Clay, as well with Simone and Jordan. But I think Jordlayla can last especially if this relationship is what they really want. They're growing on me but I didn't notice their connection until season 4. And that's not a bad thing. I always saw them as besties so their connection is still growing on me. They're cute not going to lie.

Patience, have a stalker on your hand. This doesn't only but her in danger but her roommates. We don't know all about this girl. She is a possible danger and might go to some crazy lengths to be close with Patience. The fact she knows where Patience lives just ugghhh. I'm not for this stalking fan storyline. We went through enough trauma with Carrie. Don't need something tragic happening again. Still dealing with Billy's death!

AD Barnes is only out for himself and we've been knowing that lol. But I'm so proud of my boo Coach Kenny lol. He finally got the respected title he deserves. It crazy how Jordan made it happen when thought it was going to be Spencer. Roles are definitely reserving. Seeing Jordan and Spencer at a disconnect actually hurts. I love their brotherhood and I want them to get back there. Spencer is trying to escape Billy but he cannot.

And let's chill out on bashing Spencer! Of course these moves he's making is upsetting us, but guys remember this is his grief. Grief! We all grief differently. Of course it's not an excuse to his behavior. Personally, everything he has every buried deep down inside is hitting home. He always had Billy in his corner through good and bad. Billy helped him through his grief with Shawn and Corey. Now Billy isn't here to help him now. But Billy is with Spencer. Spencer is apart of Billy Baker's legacy. He just needs to be reminded. Spencer lost his dad but he lost his father. Let that sink in. Corey is his dad but Billy became his father. Spencer fear letting Kenny in because he's scared that Kenny will abandon him. It's time Spencer's demons are addressed. He needs his village. He shouldn't be ashamed to call on his village.

Next week......the main event should I say lol. Today is the day...right? I believe this dark place is scaring Spencer. You know it's real bad when we have to call doctor Spears out of the office. Liv and Alicia talking? That conversation could go a totally different way. You guys think Alicia will hear Liv out or say something slick? I'm going to say a mixture. Liv is telling her Spencer is going into a dark place and she'll probably tell her how to help Spencer. Alicia might let Liv know she took a step back and honestly it's best she stays out of it. But I don't think Alicia will be a help. She tried that and we see how that panned out for her. Falling all the way back is the better option. I get Liv is trying to do by respecting that relationship (situationship). If Spencer doesn't turn to Liv, I'm sure he's going to turn to Kenny. And it would be great to turn to Kenny. He chose Kenny for a reason. So he needs to let Kenny be his guide like he did in the beginning of this journey of college football. Turning to his village and learning he has someone in his corner through good and bad (Liv). I can go on and on about next Monday, but honestly I'm excited. Daniel kills his role every Monday.

Alright my peeps, I love you guys❤️❤️❤️

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