First Face Off

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Diana just dropped her dog Wishbone off at her friends' comic store. The dog was always well behaved for the two of them, so she trusts both her Pitbull and her friends to get along. What she didn't know is that some people were gonna meet the three of them. 

Diana saw her uncle moping outside the rink, he was probably more worried about money than the rink. "Uncle, chin up. We'll find another team." 

Phil looked at his niece and started ranting, while staring at her like she grew a second head. "Where and how am I gonna find a new team in time?!" Diana rolled her eyes and went inside the rink, where she started her daily practice. 

Meanwhile: Brought to you by the Chameleon's impressions 

A spaceship touched down in town. Duke, a former thief and alien duck read the welcome sign. "Ana-Heim, home of the Mighty Frogs?" 

WildWing looked around and made some observations as they walked. "Looks like Puck-World." "Yeah, but with better weather." Mallory answered back at him. 

Tanya, their scientist was looking around too. "Impossible, we're not even in our own dimension anymore. For all we know this dimension could be populated by giant snails with thousands of eyes. Or primitive barbarians."

 NoseDive, WildWing's younger brother pointed out the mall that was seen after he went through some bushes. "Yeah, primitive, huh? We talking serious civilization here kiddies!" The whole flock came out of the bushes and entered the mall with Tanya saying, "You know, this place might not be so bad." 

Mallory wasn't so sure as she eyed some of the stores. "Well, we won't know unless we do a shop-to-shop search mission." NoseDive soon spotted the comic shop and decided to us Mallory's plan to his advantage. 

"I hear ya, Mal. Let's go scope out that comic shop!" He led the red headed duck to the store. 

Duke and WildWing walked in front of a fast-food place called 'Weiner World." WildWing was actually the first to say something about it. "Weiner World? Maybe that's the name of this place." Duke approached a man coming out of the food place. 

"Hey, buddy? Do you think you can tell us what planet this is?" The man only ran away out of fear and Duke sarcastically made a remark. "You'd think he's never seen a duck before." 

With Mallory and NoseDive they entered the comic shop causing a white Pitbull with black patches to look up from his bone. "Yo dudes! Excuse me." 

The two humans behind the counter jumped and screamed making the two ducks scream too. "Woah, what are you man?! Mutants?!" "No, we're ducks from another dimension." Mallory corrected them but the girl with purple hair answered back. 

"Talking alien ducks?! Cool!" The man came over with a smile on his face. "So, are you the first of a hideous invasion that's going to take over the earth?" NoseDive shook his head as the dog in the room came up to Mallory and sniffed her. 

"Negative hammer, we're just checking out some comics." The Pitbull had a wagging tail now as more ducks came in and he seemed happy to meet them. Mallory knelt down and pet the dog as he licked her face a bit. 

"This your dog?" The man shook his head. "Nah, Wishbone here belongs to a friend of ours. He is a good guard dog, and customers love him too. By the way, friends of yours?" 

NoseDive nodded as he used his thumb to point to the team. "My posse. I'm uh, the brains of the operation." Wishbone then greeted WildWing by putting his front paws on his chest. "Hey, buddy." 

The red head managed to get Wishbone off the leader the Pitbull even saved Grin or tried to when WildWing nearly sprayed him with a water gun. Wishbone knew the smell of an ice rink on the ducks, so he led them out back and to the hockey rink his owner was at. Phil was sorting papers when Wishbone came up to him with a tail wag, course when Phil saw the ducks he freaked out. 

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