Visiting Family and Weed Problem

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Diana got up that morning with a pit in her stomach, not because of the dates her and Wild have been keeping secret from the team. It was that her grandmothers, on both sides, didn't know about her being a duck now. She figured today would be the day she visited them and told them everything that's been happening. 

Diana left a note on a sleeping NoseDive's face and left on her bike. It was a good hour or two driving through the city and then countryside to reach her grandmothers' place. The two elders started to live together, they were best friends in their youth and decided to retire together. 

Diana had her helmet on as she walked up to the door and hesitated before knocking. 

An old woman with grey hair and glasses opened the door with a Gordan Setter at her side. This woman was her mom's mother, Cora, and the dog was named Maggie. 

(A/n: Maggie was my Mamaw's dog. She passed of old age five years ago, and she was a good dog.) 

"Can I help you, young lady?" Diana took a deep breath before speaking. 

"Hi, Nona." Cora gasped and smiled at seeing her granddaughter, Maggie was happy to see the woman. "Diana, come inside dear." 

Diana came in and sat on the couch and her dad's mom, Ripley, was in a chair knitting a new scarf. "Rip, it's Diana. She finally decided to visit." 

Ripley looked up and smiled, but that smile faded when she saw that her grandchild was still wearing a helmet. "Diana, why are you still wearing your helmet?" 

Diana fiddled with her hands and started to explain. "Abbigale did something to me, and I don't know how you're going to react, Nana." 

Ripley rolled her eyes and turned on the television, it was the recent games the ducks have one. And in every one of them was Diana as a duck. 

Cora took the remote as Diana took off her helmet. "You think we don't watch hockey?" 

Diana sweat dropped as her Nona turned the TV off. "I didn't think you would." 

Ripley pet Maggie and got back to knitting as Cora went to make tea. "So, did you find a weapon?" 

Diana nodded and started talking about her scythe and the missions she's been on. "Goodness, that Draganus character sounds like a piece of work." 

Diana took a cookie and ate it. "He is. And I've been torn between going to Puck-World and staying on earth." 

Cora placed a hand on Diana's cheek and turned her to look at her Nona. "What does your heart tell you?" 

Diana smiled and knew her choice after that. "My team would need my if other threats came round." 

Cora smiled and Diana's wrist communicator started to buzz to life, it was WildWing. 

"Diana, where are you?" Diana rolled her eyes and answered as her grandmothers listened. "I left a note on Dive's face about where I am, where are you?" 

Wild rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, Diana could clearly see him walking out of the pond. Not wearing his mask and in casual clothes. "Wild, why aren't you wearing the mask?" 

He rubbed his neck nervously again and instead of answering he looked around and gave Diana a sad look. "Could we talk about this later?" 

Diana sighed and nodded, knowing he'd explain everything when she got home. "Okay, I'll see you then." 

Diana hung up and leaned back against the couch. 

Cora leaned over to her granddaughter and smirked. "Was that your boyfriend?" 

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