Power Play

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Bold = Inuit

Today started with people arriving early for the duck's game, but the power went out due to the grid failing. Turns out it was the Saurians stealing electricity for the Raptor, but the ducks arrived in the Arrow-Wing. "Syphoning off energy, ay Siege?" 

WildWing asked rhetorically as Diana glared at the two and took out her hockey stick. "Don't you creeps pay your electric bills?" The team jumped out of the Arrow-Wing and surrounded the two lizards. 

"Game over, lizard lips." Diana had a small smirk but didn't get cocky, since getting cocky in a fight can be someone's down fall. 

"Don't bet on it." Siege then pressed a button on the machine they were using and teleported back to the Raptor, but in the middle of the teleportation WildWing tried to tackle them. The Saurians and their machine were gone before Wild could catch them. 

Diana helped him up as the rest of the team regrouped. "I hate it when they do that." 

"Same here, Mal." Duke, who was piloting the Arrow-Wing then announced on the speakers, "Heads up! It looks like the power is coming back on!" 

This made their mission a somewhat of a success since the electricity was back. "Yeah, but Draganus still managed to swipe 10,000 giga volts." WildWing and Diana looked at each other then back to Tanya. "What does he want all that electricity for?" Diana huffed and put her weapon away. "Don't know, but we better get back to the pond for the game before my uncle calls us." 

Once back at the pond everyone got their gear on as they watched about the visiting team, but this team made Diana worry. It's not like the ducks haven't taken on the Polar Bears before, it's their resident center of a goon. 

Stanly Struzinski. 

Wild turned off the screen as Diana crossed her arms and faced the team. "Watch yourselves tonight, guys." Mallory put in her opinion after Diana warned them. 

"Yeah, that guy's the worst goon in the league." But Grin said something that shocked everyone. "He's not all bad." 

NoseDive then made the time out jester and started to go off. "Woah! Time out. Are we talking Stanly Struzinski? The hit squad on blades?" 

Grin turned to look at NoseDive and started to explain his reasons. "No one who plays the noble sport of hockey can be all bad." Diana smiled a little and uncrossed her arms. "That's all folks! Grin's taken up permanent residence at Wacky Acres." 

Diana shook her head and looked to WildWing. "Remind me to limit Dive's toon time." Grin got up and explained more. "No, for you see, I was once like him. I was an angry young duck from a hardboiled egg." He then went on to explain how he met his master, Tai Quack Doh. It was nice to hear how Grin learned to be who he is today. 

"Five minutes to game time, and you're having flashbacks?!" Diana scolded Dive for ruining the moment. 

"Dive, leave him be. Maybe he'll teach Struzinski like his master taught him." Grin appreciated Diana for sticking up for his belief. "Thank you, Little Warrior. Stanly has good within him, I know it." 

WildWing came into the conversation. "What I think Grin means is that no matter how dirty Stanly gets, we gotta play clean. After all, we've beaten them that way before." Diana nodded and put on her coach face. "Alright guys, let's go!" 

Once the game began Diana noticed that Stanly wasn't there, so she went over to the Polar Bear's coach. "Hey, Max." 

"Diana, good to see you again. Have you seen Stanly; he hasn't checked in with me." This made Diana suspicious as she put her hand to her beak. "I haven't, and I know he wants to clobber my team." Max shrugged and checked his clipboard. "Well, if he isn't here soon, we might actually have a fair game for once. I know how much of a goon he is." 

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