Of Shadows and Beaks

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Draganus was getting impatient as Abbigale drew a symbol on the floor with charcoal and lined it with red candles. "How long is this going to take?" 

Abbigale smirked and stood back as she sliced her palm. "Not much longer, my Lord. Wraith, if you will." 

Wraith read from the text that the human scientist gave him, and she stood with Siege and the Chameleon. "Didn't think you'd believe in this stuff, Doc." 

Abbigale watched as the flames of the candles blew out and from the wicks came large clouds of dark smoke. "I'm from the Hoodoo capital of the United States, why wouldn't I believe it? Because I'm a scientist?" 

The smoke gathered until it floated away, leaving a kneeling teenage girl with a mask covering her face. "What?! A human?!" 

Draganus got up to destroy the new girl in the room, but she sharply raised her hand and the dark smoke that appeared in the summoning coiled around the dino like a snake. The girl then straightened her arm, so her palm was facing the wall. With that the Saurian leader was slammed into the wall creating a dent in the metal. 

The teen got up and stretched her arms and back, hearing satisfying pops as she did. "You better have a good reason for summoning me, Abbigale. I was having a good time hanging out with Mac in one of her worlds." 

Abbigale raised a brow and shook her head. "One: how do you know my name? Two: who are you?" 

The girl only chuckled and snapped her fingers, disappearing in a puff of smoke. 

At the pond, the team where all having some downtime. Tanya was on her laptop, Mallory was sparring with Diana, Duke was reading a paper, Grin was meditating with Wishbone napping in his lap, NoseDive was watching TV with WildWing. 

But as they were all enjoying the time they had off, the whole team was startled as a cloud of swirling, black smoke appeared in the room. 

Everyone switched to their battle gear and had their weapons pointed at the cloud, Wishbone standing with them growling. 

When the smoke was gone, a teenager wearing a mask was standing in place of the smoke cloud. "Huh, just the welcome I expected." 

Mallory took a step towards the girl ready to fire if they made a wrong move. "Who are you? And how did you get in here?" The girl sighed and took off her mask. 

"My name is Shadow, and I used magic. Also, I'm not a threat, Mallory." This made the red head gasp in shock. "How do you know her name?" 

Wishbone sniffed the teen and licked her hand. She smelled like birch wood, deer, ice, ash, and a small hint of spearmint. 

Shadow smiled at the dog and gave him some scratches on the head. "Well, why wouldn't I know the name of someone in a world I created? Not the show, but you know." 

Tanya was confused at this point. "Wait there's no way, besides what if you're the Chameleon or Abbigale in disguise?" 

Shadow huffed and put her hands on her hips. "Fine, scan me with the mask then." 

Diana put away her sickles as WildWing scanned the teen, but he looked up as if there was something else there. "You're not human, and you're not Saurian." 

Shadow nodded and played with a small puff of smoke, weaving it between her fingers like a gold coin. "What gave that away?" 

Shadow was being sarcastic as NoseDive came up to her and took a look at her eyes. Gold, glowing irises, with black sclera were watching them all closely. "What are you then, girlie?" 

Shadow huffed out a chuckle and let her smoke engulf her and it grew up to twenty feet before flowing off Shadow's true form. A creature with a skull and antlers that matched her mask, the red symbol was there too. "I am a Wendigo." 

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