Phil in the Blank

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Today was a training day for the ducks as they broke into two teams and played against each other. Diana was being goalie on the other side of the ice, but her dad's skills as a goalie weren't in her blood. 

Phil was in the stands, but he couldn't hear the person on the other line due to all the noise the ducks were making. "Hey guys! I'm trying to make us a fast buck!" Phil hung up on the person on the other line and stood up. "I am making major deals here! I gotta slew of personal appearances lined up for you! And I'm getting zero cooperation! That does it, I'm out of here!" 

Diana looked a bit guilty at her uncle as he stormed out of the pond, and that was when she was hit in the stomach with a puck. "OOF!" It threw her back a little but didn't hurt too much thanks to the padding of her gear. 

Grin, being the one who took the shot helped Diana up. "Are you alright, Little Warrior?" 

"I'm fine, Big Guy. Just worried about my uncle." 

NoseDive then came over. "You good Birdie?" 

Diana nodded and smiled nervously. "Yeah, I'm a better center or enforcer than a goalie." Diana adjusted her stance and motioned for the two to get their heads in the game, before they skated off. 

WildWing then shouted at Grin as the puck was passed to him. "Grin! Get in position to practice the air hockey play!" 

Grin got into position as Diana got ready for the puck to go flying. 

"Tanya, are you sure this is gonna work!?" Diana called out to the scientist; she was to come up with the play. "If he hits it at precisely the right angle. There's a really good chance it might work." 

Diana didn't like the sound of that but sucked it up since this is what practice was for. 

NoseDive passed the puck to Grin. "Yo Grin! Here it comes!" 

Grin slapped the puck, and it was shot at the boards, it ricocheted off and to the jumbo tron. Then the puck bounced off a wall and the ceiling, and finally it landed in the stands. 

Tanya scratched her head and Diana came over. "Maybe I gotta read those calculations one more time." They all got off the ice and rushed up to where the puck landed, finding a knocked-out Phil. 

"Uncle!" Diana threw off her gloves and checked her uncle for a pulse, sighing in relief when she found one. "Uncle, are you alright?" 

Phil then woke up and shot up to sitting. "Creamed by my own team!? I'll sue myself for damages!" 

Mallory rolled her eyes and said, "He's okay." 

Phil felt his head for a bump from the puck that was shot. "Nothing, not even a bump." He groaned. "Oh, the pain! The pain! You guys owe me. Oh, my head." 

Diana raised a brow she knew her uncle would milk things such as headaches to get what he wants, but this seemed like actual pain. "You're absolutely right." Diana sharply turned her head to look at WildWing and had a look of silently saying, "What the fuck?" 

"What can we do to make it up to you, Phil?" Their manager then smirked a bit and knew exactly what he wanted. "Well, there is the little matter of those public appearances." Next thing the team knew they were on a mountain, in a snowstorm, with a camera crew. 

"Hey, Rad-Dads and Dare Devil-ettes! Time for Reckless Behavior! The sports show with more brawn than brains!" 

Diana held her snowboard as she looked at WildWing through her snow goggles. "Next time, don't ask my uncle what he wants." 

Tanya was pretty nervous about this. "So, basically you want us to go mountain climbing, snowboarding, and hang-gliding into what, like a raging storm?" 

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