Beak to the Future

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Today the team was taking a field trip to see a man about a deal. All of the ducks were in their casual clothes, as they walked through the building. 

Diana had a strange feeling being here, like this place was all kinds of dangerous. "I don't like the looks of this, Phil." 

WildWing just said what was on Diana's mind, much to her relief. "No kidding, I'm feeling all kinds of wrong." 

Phil only shrugged them off, not listening to the captain or his niece. "Just hear the guy out, WildWing, Diana. He's somebody we can do business with. Besides, when have I ever steered you wrong?" 

Diana pinched the bridge of her beak and groaned. "Don't answer that." 

They kept walking until they reached the office, Grin even expressed his concern. "I'm getting bad vibes already." 

Diana looked around the room until she spotted the man they were supposed to meet. There was one problem, he had a snake in his lap. "The Mighty Ducks." 

Diana backed up out of fear, not taking her eyes off the serpent in the man's lap. "This is an honor; I am Phineas P. Viper." 

Diana was frozen as she still had her eyes on the snake, Duke noticed. "You ok, Diana?" 

Diana seemed to snap out of it and shake her head. "Fine." 

WildWing looked around the room. "Interesting decor, Mr. Viper." 

Viper got up still with the snake in his hands. "Snakes are my passion, they're excellent businessmen. You know they wait for the proper time to strike then swallow their rivals, consuming them up early. But enough pleasantries, I want to buy your hockey franchise." 

Diana watched as he put the snake on his shoulders and at the wall of terrariums full of snakes; she was shaking and lucky no one but Duke and Grin noticed. "Lock, stock, and pond. Here's the amount I'm offering." 

Viper handed Wild the contract and it seemed to be a small fortune. "Well, that is a lot of money. But forget it." 

WildWing threw away the contract as Phil tried to catch it. "WildWing, be reasonable." 

The ducks started to walk out, and Duke guided a still afraid Diana out. "The Mighty Ducks aren't for sale, Mr. Viper." 

Wild had to drag Phil out closing the door in the process. 

The Migrator ride home was quiet until Duke placed a hand on Diana's shoulder. "Diana, you sure you're, okay? You froze up in there." 

The rest of the team focused on Diana now, except Tanya who was driving. 

WildWing came over with NoseDive. "Yeah, you looked like you saw a ghost or something, Birdie." 

Diana took a deep breath and confessed something she has never had before. Not even her uncle knew this till now. "I have Ophidiophobia." 

The team looked over to Tanya, she answered while keeping her eyes on the road. "Diana has a fear of snakes." 

Mallory sat next to Diana. "Why didn't you tell us before?" 

Diana ran a hand through her dark hair and sighed through her beak. "I don't know. It doesn't usually come up that we go somewhere full of snakes." The female shivered just thinking about an island or swamp full of the limbless reptiles. 

Dive side hugged Diana and gave her a bit of a confidence boost. "Don't worry, the only snakes we go against are those dino-brained Saurians." This made Diana smile as they soon arrived at the pond and changed into their hockey gear. 

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