Dungeons and Ducks

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Our show starts with the team watching a show with a guy named Carl Schintz. He was going on about how the team was upsetting fans by not showing up for games. But it wasn't the ducks' fault, they were busy saving the world. And when Carl said if the team shows up for the game against the Minnesota CheeseLogs he'd eat an old boot. 

NoseDive, being upset with the human turned off the screen and started to go off about it. "I am so hurt! That does it, man! This jerk does not get to be charter member of our fan club! Forget it buddy!"

 Diana placed a hand on Dive's shoulder to calm him down as Duke started to speak. "The only reason we missed that game was because we happen to be saving the world." 

Grin disagreed. "No. In the words of famous hockey master, Tai Quack Doh. We blew it." 

WildWing sighed and agreed with Grin. "Grin's right. Losing by forfeit is humiliating, as long as I'm captain of this team we'll never miss another game." Diana nodded and crossed her arms. 

"Alright, but I'm helping, Wild. The public sees me as a coach, and it's my responsibility to get you all to the games." 

Drake One started beeping and Tanya announced what the alert was. "It's Draganus' ship!" 

They all gathered around the computer and Diana breathed a sigh of relief. It's been quiet for a while and Diana got used to all the danger and war like battles that happen. "After Draganus has kept it hidden all these months. How?" 

Diana raised a brow to this, it was kinda odd to have the lizards pop up out of nowhere. "Maybe his cloaking device malfunctioned." 

Dive stepped in saying what Diana was thinking. "Or we could be falling for the old trapperino." 

Diana nodded. "Dive's right. It could be a trap." 

Wild was determined to catch Draganus so he didn't listen. "Well, even if it is a trap. We've gotta check it out." 

Diana fed Wishbone before following the team to the Migrator. Once everyone was strapped in Wild began explaining his reason for going even though it was most likely a trap. "If we can capture Draganus, we'll have completed our mission." 

Diana was torn, now that Wild mentioned it, she had two choices. Stay on earth and be the only duck with her family or go to Puck-World and stay with her friends. She's having to choose between her birth planet and a new one. Before she knew it, they arrived at the location and got out of the Migrator.

 WildWing scanned the place with the mask and found the ship, it was disguised as a building. "That big triangular building. It's the Raptor." 

Diana took out her stick and let its blade out in case of a fight. 

The Raptor's cloaking device deactivated showing the menacing ship. 

Duke shook his head. "I don't like this. They're making it a little too easy for us. You know?" 

Just then the Chameleon and Siege started firing at the team. "I think the difficulty factor just went up a notch!" Diana deflected stray blasts with her weapon and looked to Tanya who was thrown by a blast. 

The scientist crashed into a mailbox. 

"Tanya!" Both Duke and Diana rushed over to help they're friend. "Can we help?" Tanya pointed to the drug store behind her. "Could you maybe pop into that drug store and get me something for a headache?" 

Diana helped Tanya up and reached into her leg pouch, pulling out a bottle of water and some ibuprofen. "Here." 

Diana handed the water and medicine to her friend and deflected some more blasts. "How?" Diana let out a small grunt after deflecting another shot. 

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