Can't Sleep?

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Diana shot up in bed, a cold sweat covering her feathers as she wiped her face off with her hands. She calmed her breathing before looking over to Mallory, the weapons expert was still sleeping. 

Wishbone was staying with Grin tonight so Diana didn't have to worry about him waking anybody. 'Just a dream.' 

Diana silently got up and went up to the pond, sitting in the stands and letting the cool air bring her back to reality. She sat there for a while, staring out at the ice with a sad look on her beak. A hand on her shoulder made her jump and grab onto whoever snuck up on her. It was WildWing. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." 

"Guess I'm a little on guard." Wild sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. 

"Can't sleep?" Diana leaned into him and sighed. "Bad dream. What time is it anyway?" 

WildWing rubbed the back of his neck and answered. "About two in the morning." 

"What are you doing up then? You of all of us need sleep." He looked away and out to the ice, his expression was the same as Diana's was a minute ago. 

"Nightmare, I was back in that wormhole and had to see Draganus drag you and Canard into limbo. Instead of that energy worm." 

Diana didn't share her dream on the account of it having to deal with her parents. But the two were alone so it wouldn't get out to the others. "I was at the same frozen lake my parents drowned in. They burst out of the ice as corpses and were whispering on how I could have saved them, how I failed at being a daughter." 

Diana took a shaky breath as she teared up slightly, Wild wiped the tears away with his thumb. "You know that's not true; they'd be proud of the woman you become. I know I am." 

This made the woman smile and look out at the ice with a tired yet happy look. "I think we should visit them again, maybe we can bring the whole team." 

This made Diana smile more and nodded. "I think my parents would like to meet the rest of the team; you know to let them know who's been helping you take care of me." 

WildWing chuckled at this and the two decided to stay up a little longer, they don't know if this might be the last time, they spend time together. With this Duck vs. Suarian war, the two making the most of each other. 

Wild noticed she was still wearing a band-aid over the bridge her beak, over the scar a stray blast made. He ran his fingers over the bandage and looked into her eyes. "When are you gonna take this off? Your beak should've healed by now." 

Diana looked away and sighed. "It's not that I don't mind scars, it just looks like a lightning bolt danced across my face." 

Wild chuckled and started to take off the band-aid, revealing a zig-zag scar going across her beak. "Looks fine, but I don't think Dive would want you to steal his style." 

Diana chuckled and stretched a bit. "Wanna go watch a movie?" 

"Sure." The two went back down to the base and put on a quiet movie as they ate some snacks. 

They were halfway through the movie when Diana dosed off and fell asleep against WildWing. He smiled as he fell asleep too. 

Once the sun rose, the other ducks were up and atom. 

It was Duke's turn to make breakfast, so he went to the kitchen, Tanya made the coffee and drank some. 

Mallory and NoseDive came out of their rooms, Dive going to wake his brother and Mal looked for Diana. 

Grin fed Wishbone and Mallory managed to find both WildWing and Diana, both of them were sleeping on the couch. 

"Anyone seen WildWing? He wasn-." Mallory shushed NoseDive and pointed to the two ducks on the couch. 

NoseDive took a picture of the couple and Mallory placed a blanket over the two. 

"Let's let them sleep a little longer. They need it."

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