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Lil' snippets that don't need dedicated chapters nor fit into other chapters.

1. In fiction, numbers that aren't dates should be written out.

2. Ending sentences on a Preposition:

It isn't wrong. But if there are more elegant alternatives, write it. If there are none, do not worry to end on a Preposition.

3. Fonts:

Because most sites don't feature it, I'll pretend Ezn's talk about colored words don't exist.

Fonts: Basic calligraphy, propritize readability. Unless they are supposed to be unreadable or at least very hard to be read.

Italics, bolt and such should not be overused, use the sparcely. Italics are commonly used for thoughts, psychic speech and dreams. Bold is more used for in-universe print medias.

4. Pacing

I have nothing much to say. Just:

A longer sentence, maybe one using commas, tranalates into a longer period of time passing.
Short ones mean short periods passed.

If a slow or fast pacing is better depends on you. None is superior.

Paragraph length can also influence pacing. Short paragraphs can create a sense of urgency.

5. A lil bit about characterization

Passive characterization: the reader gets told something. Not neccesarily bad, unless this is the only characterization done by the writer.

Active characterization: the reader 'sees' the character behaving a way or doing something. Showcasing is also what you should do about abilities. Show a character has a skill and works on honering it, so you can avoid making them seen as a Mary Sue. More on the Sue's in the Mary Sue chapter!

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