Publishing your fics

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Ezn's entry could be summarized in one sentence, "Crossposting is good! Do it!"

And I wholeheartedly agree.

Everytime someone on r/Fanfiction asks if crossposting is worth it, which is asked a lot, I say yes!

(Seriously, the peeps that ask act as if crossposting is a Deadly Sin or something.)

First of all, AO3 specifically: It is an archive. Even if you don't get many readers there*, it keeps a copy and due to the organization running AO3, protects it to some extend.

* Most sites have their differences. AO3 and Wattpad love Smut, likes General Fanfiction. On the other hand, FFN has Smut banned in their Terms of Service... not that the mods reinforce it much.

On FFN, you have an audience more in tune for older fandoms. Think anything before 2010 as a rough breaking point.

There are fandom specific sites, like FimFiction, which, as a reminder, has Ezn's guide hosted.

Due to these differences, especially if you write variety, crossposting may help you to find many readers.
Crossposting opens up the potential for many more readers that won't find your stuff if you keep it to one site.

Ezn recommends to post on three sites. The charm's three, right?

Apropos three, the big three sites are:

AO3 - The probably most famous site as of now. AO3, unlike Wattpad which is run by a company and is party social media, is an archive run by volunteers. There is no algorithm. It advertises that there are no content restrictions, everything Fanfiction is allowed.

Another AO3 tipp: There is no app! Any app you see is third party and a security risk! Probably a scam, too. There is no app because the app.stores would demand restrictions regarding the content of AO3.

Wattpad: Kinda the runt of the litter, according to r/Fanfiction, which is pretty annoying. The tagging will receive a chapter, but for now: Tag thoroughly! Hit that tag limit, but keep the tags relevant!

FFN - It is old as dirt and it's technical side is hold together by duct tape. Somehow it is very much an "old reliable". Albeit it won't open links, but the app still works well.

The site has ads... but not that much as others complain about. On the other hand, I only post on desktop and read on the app, which is as of now ad-free. While smut, Chat fics and second person (just the tip of weird rules) are banned, the mods are known to be AFK. (Away from keyboard for the normies.)

To my awareness, there is no algorithm in FFN.

Other, smaller sites are:

Spirit Fiction, essentially Brazilian Wattpad. Royal Road. BattleShips. FimFiction, which is fandom specific and where I found Ezn's guide. Quotev, which also hosts quizes and co. Inkitt apparently hosts fics. Pixiv, a Japanese site, but the weebs probably know that already., essentially German FFN. Ficbook, a Russian site.

Like fandoms, there are also language specific sites.

I crosspost on Wattpad, AO3, FFN and Spirit. I do have a FimFic account, but so far I only read on it. Albeit, I could post my FiM One Shot on there.

I tried using Quotev and Inkitt... but Quotev was a buggy mess and Inkitt didn't even let me make an account! Well, according to an Email, I have one, but I can't access it.

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