Posting Schedule

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There are two types of writers. The fuckers who post a chapter as soon when it is finished and the ones that post the first chapter, when the last one is finished. I am part of the later.

Unless you're one of the finishing first writers, keeping to a schedule is a terrible idea. Even if you stress yourself, you can't revise chapters that just really need it often.

Now, Wattpad has an algorithm, so I recommend to finish first. Wattpad's algorithm likes updates once or twice a week. Friday seems to be a good day.

My 'schedule' is a bit different than what most peeps understand under 'posting schedule'.

Like I said, I write my multi-chaptered fics to an end, and try to edit twice*, before posting the first chapter. I do not post very Friday. I post every three, five, seven, ten or fourteen days, depending on the average word count.

Let's take my Pokémon WIP as an example. As of now, the average seems to be under two-thousand five-hundred words, which means I would post a chapter every three days.

Now, the first round of editing* will add descriptions, i.e the Gardevoir is tall as f and even dwarves the MC's mentor, which I forget to mention sixty thousand words in, so the average word count may be over two-thousand five-hundred words, which means I would post a chapter very five days.

Not to mention that I consider reforming two chapters into one, making the average eventually five-thousand words long. If it is longer than this, this would result in an update once a week. Still every five days if it is barely under five-thousand.

The second round of editing are just spelling errors, fixing grammar and changing words that are weird, but no contend changes.

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