(The Topic) Author's Note

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How many of ya'll thought this chapter is an Author's note?

I agree with Ezn. Don't do it. Don't tell your readers unnecessary things, like how the fic is written unless prompted by the readers, or to encourage comments or, the worst, tell them to give your fic a change even if it is your first one.

You could take the blow out for the 'unnecessary stuff' if you put it at the end of the chapter, but that may annoy the binge readers if you converse with your serial readers at the end. This just breaks the immersion. Something you should want to keep going as it means readers read more.

Idea: Wattpad's Comments. Why not post a comment on your own fic if you want to tell them something? I will try that with my next fic. Whenever it is finished.

Now, something many writers here on Wattpad are guilty of, are that multiple chapters are dedicated Author's notes. Because many writers post notes back to back, I started the following habit.

I open a fic, check the chapter overview and scan the titles for any notes. If I see mutiple back to back or that around a third of the chapters are just notes, I fucking leave. To avoid this irrelevant note bloating, I started doing information booklets.

On the matter of disclaimers, if needed, keep them short. Put all disclaimers in the first chapter, again, to not constantly interrupt the readers.

Quite a lot peeps on here put the warning directly before it happens. This is so annoying to read.

A common thing you see is a sentence a la "I do not own Y". A nice gesture, but it is not useful from a legal perspective. According to Ezn, this may even cause more legal trouble. I read the source they linked, and I didn't read anywhere how. But maybe I am just stupid.

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