Description of scenery/White Room Syndrome

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Stephen King said to describe the first three things that are first notable about a room or person.

Everyone else says, check off the five senses of vision, smell, taste, touch and hearing. A lack of smell can also be a description.

I would say, combine them. Maybe use the five senses for seeing a scenery the first time and upon further visits, namely if things changed, the King's method. And changed sensory impressions if they exist in the plot.

The point is, your readers will be in some white void when you don't describe their surroundings. Which can be very disorienting.

But you don't need to describe every nook and cranny. Just give the a bit. And add bits later upon revisiting. Don't dumb a page long description on your readers.

Admittedly, descriptions of scenery are one of my problem areas.

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